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Why did you stop buying Britney's Music?


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This is a legitimate question and I don't mean to drag our queen in any way. Please don't give me negatives! I'am just asking a real question and hope to get an adult discussion without childish insults. 

Why did you stop buying Britney's music?

For me i honestly don't know why i stopped. The last time i was supper excited for Britney's new music was right before glory and before make me music video and when that mess of video came out, it just killed my excitement (The hype was through the roof for me and i was expecting a lot for me make me because of that red glitter scene). Make me was the first Britney video that I didn't watch completely. Before that i was excited about scream and shout but i never got to see her perform it and it killed my excitement. THE LAST time was truly excited was Circus era. Right when Womanizer Music video came out, i remember i immediately bought 2 womanlier singles after the music video and 2 albums when it came out. Based on this i guess I stopped buying her music because my excitement was kept being killed. What is your reason? 

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Just now, Denise said:

I didn't stop ... I still buy it and I'm excited everytime she releases a new song, or an album :umomg:

Good :)  thank you for not dragging me. i just want to have an adult discussion about this. I know many fans have stopped and i want to ask why.. 

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1 minute ago, Denise said:

I can't do that to you baby, it's your decision :hugs: xoxo

thank you i just want to find out all the reasons from other fans. I know i am not the only one and maybe it can fixed.. for me maybe create a big hype like glory but actually deliver on day one for the next era. 

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I honestly find so offensive and disrespectful that some of you "fans" don't buy Britney's music (iTunes AND CDs),
because they don't cost hundreds of euros/dollars, so you can definitely effort that imo...

Then we complain because GLORY didn't chart and she's not nominated in Billboard's categories... please :begone:

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9 minutes ago, Бри́тни Спирс said:

Because it's not worth feeding someone who doesn't respect her fanbase money. 

Glory was a really good album. What more respect do you want?  :leaving: She didn't ask you to buy a boxset worth hundreds of dollars

To the OP, I never stopped buying her music. Though I don't buy her "unofficial" compilation albums like B in the Mix 3 or her Ultimate Greaatest Hits

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18 minutes ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

I haven't stopped. I always try to buy a new album or single the day of release. I try to do that with all of her stuff. So I've always supported her, she may have some dumb stuff or has made poor business decisions in the past that I as a fan may not agree with, but that's no reason not support an artist I love to enjoy. 

This. :) 

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Just now, radar89 said:

Glory was a really good album. What more respect do you want?  :leaving: She didn't ask you to buy a boxset worth hundreds of dollars

Are we talking about the same woman who lips while moving around not even trying to dance in front of people who PAY to see her?

And do not talk about how good Glory was 'cause it brought nothing new to the table, it just followed trends and has major flaws on it as well and second of all, a Britney Spears album is not good thanks to her but thanks to people around her. She is nothing more than a product. She never was, and never will. Yet still she has the guts to disrespect people so openly.

And, by the way, I've never paied to see her "perform" and I do not feel sorry or try to defend, by bashing her, those who pay to see her. It's not my fault they are that naive.  

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