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PG had more impact than MM or SP


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A lot of people I know, don't even know PG exists honestly........actually I noticed that a lot of people I talk to forget about everything post Circus.....except for WB but they think it was just a random single......not a lead for an album. Some of my friends are a bit more knowledgable, especially one of my best friends she bought Glory and loves SP/MM.

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1 hour ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

A lot of people I know, don't even know PG exists honestly........actually I noticed that a lot of people I talk to forget about everything post Circus.....except for WB but they think it was just a random single......not a lead for an album. Some of my friends are a bit more knowledgable, especially one of my best friends she bought Glory and loves SP/MM.

So.... they know about Work ***** but not Hold It Against Me, I Wanna Go and TILL THE WORLD ******* ENDS?  


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5 hours ago, jordeezy said:

So.... they know about Work ***** but not Hold It Against Me, I Wanna Go and TILL THE WORLD ******* ENDS?  


Yeah a lot of people that aren't fans seem to forget about most of what she's released since Circus the single tbh.......except for WB and then when I bring up HIAM/TTWE they're kinda like oh yeah......well honestly TTWE is so generic they probably forgot it was a Britney song....it's my least favorite single from her tbh! 

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2 hours ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

Yeah a lot of people that aren't fans seem to forget about most of what she's released since Circus the single tbh.......except for WB and then when I bring up HIAM/TTWE they're kinda like oh yeah......well honestly TTWE is so generic they probably forgot it was a Britney song....it's my least favorite single from her tbh! 

That's funny.  Everyone I know loves those songs.  TTWE is completely memorable and it was Iconic in it's day as was I Wanna Go.  Of course, those songs are no Toxic but everyone I know remembers them.  My least Fav single is the ******* flop you guys chose called Slumber Party (besides Radar, of course)

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12 hours ago, Michaelgiftos said:

It makes me so sad. But all of my friends have heard PG and none of them have heard SP besides 1. And a few Have heard MM. Ik MM charted higher than PG but PG had more impact I guess. The BBMA performance must've helped it over the VMA performance this year:crying1:

Do any of y'all have these problems or have any thoughts:sassybrit:

and because of PG, they didn't care for the new music... cause people usualy think that you are as good as your last work...

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2 hours ago, jordeezy said:

That's funny.  Everyone I know loves those songs.  TTWE is completely memorable and it was Iconic in it's day as was I Wanna Go.  Of course, those songs are no Toxic but everyone I know remembers them.  My least Fav single is the ******* flop you guys chose called Slumber Party (besides Radar, of course)

Uh Slumber Party is flawless! 

Honestly besides HIAM the FF singles are some of my least faves from her they haven't aged well imo and I think it's because that album was so commercial and about getting quick hits tbh! 

Imo SP and Radar>>>>>>all the FF singles! 

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