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Life Over: Britney Thinks will.i.am Is Behind The Iconic "It's Britney, *****" Line

Jordan Miller

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1 minute ago, Body ache said:

You want to her to retire because she didnt care about giving an interview? Bye *****.

I want her to retire because I don't think she's happy doing her job. (That's the most selfless thing I could say tbh). Like Justin Bieber...he's clearly battling some sort of depression...it's just wrong to push people to their breaking point.

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3 hours ago, Denise said:

i was thinking about mirrors video and It's something creepy in this video in the end.. he has a ring, he is walking, try to find her girl... she is there and in the same time she is not there... and suddenly dissapears and that it's...




Watch this new interview and what Lance have said about JT and Brit

Idk I still dont think its about Britney. Maybe it was Just a video. I think JT was his heartbreak muse and the only beautiful songs 

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Oooooh No Britney Jean Spears ! I will NOT let you take this away from me !!!!!!!!

How dare you compare Will.I.Am with ******* DANJA ????

She MUST TAKE THIS BACK !!! Gimme More is like the BEST EVER ! and thinking Will.I.Am had an impact on it is just IMPOSSIBLE !! I'm always just sitting right here watching all the meldowns here in exhale caused by your "don't give a ****" attitude, and thinking that some fans are hard on you, but with all the **** going on, I think some of'em are right !! Just retire already Britney, save what's left in your dignity. I WISH you stopped making music and being public right after "Blackout" it would have been a Majestic Ending. But Nooooooo, you HAD to meet with that Will.i.**** and do all this **** you did afterwards ( No disrespect for Glory ) 


I think JUSTICE4DANJA should be trending on twitter ! She must take back what she said !

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14 minutes ago, BritneyLimited said:

I want her to retire because I don't think she's happy doing her job. (That's the most selfless thing I could say tbh). Like Justin Bieber...he's clearly battling some sort of depression...it's just wrong to push people to their breaking point.

if you watch SP video you can clearly see she is into it. If she is not ready to sing her lungs out yet doesn't mean she's over this altogether! She's just enjoying some aspects of her career more than...

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3 minutes ago, breaktheiceofmrv said:

I'm not even wasting my time with reading this.

I just want you to know something.No one is going to stop doing their job because you're ready or you want it OR keep doing it because you want it.You are not that important,just like the rest of us.

You can stop listening to her music if you're over her or it's enough for you.

What I meant is that I'd be ok if she chose to retire today. I didn't say she needs or must retire. It's different.

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yeah, conservatorship is f**ked up and if she won't work they can't make money on her...well as if she can really leave in this case

it's difficult situation 

you can say it's not 2008 anymore but they edited out her c-ship talk in jr interview, freedom of speech at best :weusay:

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I'm sorry but you guys sound like whiny little attention seeking *******.

Can you imagine if you were just doing a job you like and have been doing for so long and some NOBODY writes you this letter and says "It's okay i'm ready for you to retire now because you're not as good as you were 10 years ago and you've made a few mistakes" You would think this person is MEAN AF.

It's easy you know: just stop visiting this website, unfollow Britney on social media, don't buy her music anymore and go live your ******* own life. 

Seriously: GTFO


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2 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

Britney is not the problem. That's sad for the fans, not for her.

You should care less or maybe try not to be a stan anymore. You could simply enjoy her music without having any hopes.

I don't think I'm a die hard fan. I was during many years, mostly hanging on to her legacy, but I obviously would want her to succeed and whatever. I will always have interested in her I guess. I just can't pretend anymore that I'm excited because her facial expressions where on point one night (like some fans do) or that she slayed a move.

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27 minutes ago, everybodygoesdown said:

I'm sorry but you guys sound like whiny little attention seeking *******.

Can you imagine if you were just doing a job you like and have been doing for so long and some NOBODY writes you this letter and says "It's okay i'm ready for you to retire now because your not as good as you were 10 years ago and you've made a few mistakes" You would think this person is MEAN AF.

It's easy you know: just stop visiting this website, unfollow Britney on social media, don't buy her music anymore and go live your ******* own life. 

Seriously: GTFO



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1 minute ago, Watch Me Work It said:

The thing is that a lot of you guys can't accept that she doesn't want to be on top anymore. That doesn't mean she wants to retire though.

And i think this forum is overreacting way too much with the will.i.am thing. She was probably thinking about S&S. Are we really going to get mad at her for getting nervous at interviews? 

Who's mad tho? It's sad, that's all.

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I'm a fan since day one, and i agree with you OP, i love her and i want her to keep releasing music and why not? Have sucess, but i rather see her happy, it's CLEAR she is not into this anymore... and about forgetting things, it really is disrespectful, it has happened a lot of times that is worrying, Justin trainor?? When she worked recently with him, and what about the work ***** director? 

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7 minutes ago, button said:

The way this thread filled up with you whores but when I make a thread to request Slumber party or vote on polls no one shows up. :dead:

Honey this place is full of hypocrites, trust me. People that say they vote and request and they don't do **** and then they pretend to be the most loyal fans. Some don't even buy the albums or songs...just let it go. Don't waste time requesting a song that will not be big on the radio, let her team buy radio airplay...like they should have done!

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