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Life Over: Britney Thinks will.i.am Is Behind The Iconic "It's Britney, *****" Line

Jordan Miller

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4 hours ago, Onyx1126 said:

These weird instances of Britney forgetting pretty unforgettable facts & even people reminds me of an article back in 2008 that was talked about a lot!! I never gave it much because it was a bit ridiculous at the time but a lot of newer stories & things that are happening in interviews made me think of it! 

The article claimed that Britney's management was nervous about her comeback & her career because she had been given electro shock therapy in conjunction with her treatment. It's a common practice now & one of the biggest side affects is something called "Fragmented Memory Loss" & "Slight Personality Changes". The article claimed that Britney had lost full chunks of career memories & that she also had become less of a perfectionist when it came to attention to detail with her career. 

Now I am not in any way trying to perpetuate any unflattering rumors/gossip but lately a lot of things have reminded me of this article. Stories of her completely forgetting people she knew fairly well, mistakes she's made describing her own career, her personality changes that made her less chatty & more reserved/anxious & of course her total shift in attention to detail in her stage performances. I even remember back during her "comeback" MTV aired a super awkward special that had Britney sitting with a host & a room studio full of fans. They we're playing all of her most memorable performances & she watched along as if she we're seeing them for the 1st time & even made weird comments like "I have no idea how I did that" & "That's Me??!!??". It was almost as if her team was trying to force her into remembering the performer she was, LOLOLOL 

IDK... Like I said, I'm not trying to bring up anything negative but there have been so so many instances, now including this, that made me think of that article & go "omg wow, that kinda explains it". Hmmmmmmmmmm

IF this is the case than I find it incredibly sad. 

Not to mention her irrational fear of not scary things like ellen growling in the mall like a monster 

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4 hours ago, Dynasty said:

I'm surprised tbh, i thought electroshock therapy is a thing of the past, something completely abandoned like lobotomy :lostney: doesn't it have way too many side effects that it low key breaks over 100 laws regarding the matter? I do agree that her memory loss is extremely bizarre lately, i dont know whats causing it, the fact she couldnt remember who and when came up with the phrase "britney *****" shocked me, Blackout was the album she was literally the most involved with, it was just her and Danja having fun in the studio, how can you forget something so personal? 


And the fact she thought Will.I.**** came up with it and paid dust to poor Danja :gloria: 

I know we were told she was so involved with Blackout (which she just may have been) but the Blackout creation period was in the peak of her mentall illness.

Either her level of personal involvment was a lie to hide she was being propped up by record labels, managers and producers while being very sick...or she was involved to the extent we believe, but her illness doesnt let her remember. And im just talking the ramofications of the illness alone...not even counting any possible electrotherapy

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4 hours ago, kasavas said:

No he wouldn't. He was an alcoholic and that's why he was abusive. Now, he's an *******, but you can see he cares about his daughters. Not to mention, that Lynne wouldn't support that either. I agree that her father has been awful, and maybe he's taking advantage of her, but this fan base has to stop blaming him for everything. Britney loves him after all, we should respect that.

I think the opposite..i do believe they love her so much that if she was bad enough and the doctors said she needed something so drastic to level her out and help her they would do it

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5 minutes ago, DaxCass said:

How do y'all know that Britney has bipolar disorder???

No one knows for sure what she has, but its not even up for debate whether or not she was/is plagued with mentally illness...that much is for sure, we just dont know what it is. 

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She has given this horrible world 20 years of beauty and innocence to cling on to, and what did this unappreciative public repay her with? ****-shaming, calling her crazy, saying she's a bad mother, taking her kids away, forcing her to do mind-bending "anti"psychotics that just destroyed her personality, and entrapped her into a life she can't stand anymore.


She deserves her freedom. It's like keeping a bird in a cage. As her fans we have to support her and let her go so that she can live her own life in private with her children with no demands placed on her shoulders by an industry that doesn't care about individuals.


I mean, we now live in a world where tumblr is supposed to breed superstars like Azaelia Banks and Tove Lo and Spotify is supposed to bring us smash hits such as Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style. I mean, WHO CARES? Is it a proper tradeoff, for her to be caged in a life she doesn't want to service the rotting corpse of an industry that died 10 years ago?

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I don't know if deserves is the right word tbh, maybe she deserved to retire during or after her breakdown back in 2007... She's strong now, and she got back in the game because she wanted to! In the end it's up to her and I hope she herself will take the decision to retire if that's what she really wants. I personally wouldn't want her to retire just yet, she's 35 y/o, not 60. :cutesybrit:

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Knowing Brit, and the way her mind is processing lately, she heard the word "*****", and her mind went to work ***** because its more recent. It shows in her reponse (mentioning Will.i.am) and her canned answer from the BJ era when she describes Work ***** as a term of endearment for her gay fans/friends, etc. 

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2 hours ago, Cookie Lyon said:

If she did it publicly it would mean that she was a soulless attention *****?

You guys are doing the most! and i am not talking about throwing a big *** concert for a tribute but even a little word on Glory CD booklet would have been nice. Some performers do that, it does not mean they are attention *****.

Andre was well known in the dance community and among Britney fans.


Now I hope she paid tribute to him at least privately

You're the one doing the most here with your borderline ******** comments. How the **** does keeping her feelings private imply that she forgot about him?

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