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[UPDATE #2] RUMOR - Music Video Related (Where is Tinashe?)

xoxo, Stan.

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Just found this on PopJustice. 

I've been told a few days ago about some details of the video shoot, didn't know if it's true so I said nothing. But the days when the shoot started he told me turned out right (This Monday and Tuesday) so I assume the other things may be true as well:
The original guest appearance in the video was Kate Hudson. Since they got Tinashe then it's most likely changed to her. Apart from that Bumble brand, there will be other sponsor(s) involved, the one my source works for will provide another 50-75k as the budget, don't know where they'll place the ad, in the video or her Ins posts etc... I'm not sure.
There will be a scene looks like Neverland? I'm not sure what he meant but we had the conversation in Chinese (he lives in the US currently), the word he used can be translated into "Neverland".
He said he already knew the whole concept and storyline for the video but he wouldn't reveal more because he wanted to save some surprise.
No I'm not trolling. 

The same person said that Tinashe is on the set and she's on the Slumber Party Remix. And then Goldsoundz replied:

I'm not positive that the person on the remix is in the video...the person who knew the video details said the remix was the version getting the video treatment.
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Kate Hudson, now it's changed, kinda sorta?, to Tinashe.

Can't we have both? :carpoolney:

Blergh at all the product placements. Make them stop!! Time for some artistic integrity, Brit! Psst, now that Maroon 5 just did a Pokemon video, it's time for you to go the other way....

She has three or four singles this era. Even if the cost of a video is $500,000-$1M for each, that's just a dent in her overall net worth if they were paid for out of her own pocket. Take some of that billion dollar perfume empire money and make some kickass videos! Come on, Brit!!

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