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The decent debut/disastrous drop-off cycle

Someone Who Knows

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Britney tends to debut decently nowadays -- #3 and #17 are pretty good, 18 years in -- but then she drops like a rock. This happened to Hold It Against Me, Work *****, Pretty Girls, and Make Me, as well as Hlory and Britney Jean. Gimme More, Womanizer, Circus, and 3 also peaked very early.


I have two reasons in mind: She has a hugely loyal fanbase but inspires little excitement among those who do not already love her. All her promo is done at the very beginning of an era. We can't blame Vegas, though -- this was going on way before Vegas. The numbers just are as good as they used to be.


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actually i've been thinking about it...

it's only natural that we want it to smash... but it's impossible to every song peak good, or every album sell like crazy.

beyoncé is one that sells albums good, but it's been ages since a #1 in billboard.

rihanna another one who easily peaks good, but one song or other gets forgetten quickly.

so, yeah, it's only natural she peaks in the beggining well, because her fanbase is massive (not as big as before, but still), and then drops. also, eventualy something will be a smash hit again, as scream ans shout was. let us just pray that will be some glory song, because it certainly deserves. :) 

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