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The Unauthorized Britney Biopic For Lifetime Is Titled 'Britney Ever After' And Premieres Next Month

Jordan Miller

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I would not be surprised if RCA and Britney's team worked out this biopic behind her back so as to make her look better, by comparison to how she'll be portrayed in this film. This will be as close to controversy as she's had in years...lets not act like this isn't the best thing to happen to her in years...for once something good is happening by her not being at fault but instead by association...this is a blessing from GOD. She's hurt her knees multiple times, she's under legal constraint, she augmented her natural looks, she's getting older, no longer underage or a media-claimed 'virgin'...she needs this. It will make her look better than the movie's image of her, she gain sympathy, and she'll have a better chance at maintaining some credibility as an artist.
Yes, Britney is improving...there is NO doubt and I pray that she only continues to grow. However, present-day Britney Spears on her best of days is average with her industry competition...she is just now being considered a mainstream artist as opposed to someone who seemed more of a throwback. This can't turn out any worse than the situations that she herself caused...any publicity is publicity we should appreciate. Lifetime's giving her team free promo that their cheap selves don't even have to pay for and Britney gets to stay home...it's a win/win. It's not like they can make her look any worse...it can only go up from here. :verycool:

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She agreed to do the role full well knowing what she was doing. This girl is not that innocent. She's already portraying Britney poorly. And to the Stans who say they would do it, you're telling me , you would play Britney in a film that's not okay'd by the queen herself and then have her despise you ? Idk about anyone else but I'd prefer to not have Britney hate me seeing as how she is my favorite artist. Natasha deserves to be dragged imo, if they're going make a movie on Britney first it needs her authorization, second hire an A-list actress who will actually do the role justice and third never ever let life time do a biopic about you. Ugh they ALL deserve to be dragged. 

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why should we defend britney? this girl might be SO excited to be playing Britney. Just because she auditioned for the role, doesn't make her the blame. This is lifetime we are talking about, all their other documentaries have sucked so let them stay sucking at producing movies like this. Just because its britney doesn't mean that they should step up their game. Lifetime will always suck. If you're one of the ignorant comments on her instagram then you should be embarrassed. Stop taking everything so seriously and let this movie suck as it suppose to be.

and also to think that you made this thread thinking it would become a hit is embarrassing alone. 

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4 minutes ago, derick said:

I'm torn too..I want it to flop but the Stan in me wants Britney to break records and show she's still a ratings force but ultimately I'll be pissed by it do I rather not :wannadie:

I want it to flop too! 

But idk cause i really want to watch and see what they do. I have some of their past biopics lol 

i think ima watch it so it says that britney still interested in britney but the bash the producers and lifetime on Twitter :hype:

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lmao at all of you being so defensive and wanting to "drag" them yet you want the movie to break records lmao

the movie will be shitty, the movie will focus on her scandals, the movie will not affect her, we will all watch cause its a movie about our fav, these are all facts

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1 minute ago, BritintheZone said:

I want it to flop too! 

But idk cause i really want to watch and see what they do. I have some of their past biopics lol 

i think ima watch it so it says that britney still interested in britney but the bash the producers and lifetime on Twitter :hype:

Aaliyah and Whitney SLAYED ratings (obviously and Britney will too) but that aaliyah movie my goodness I wanted to beat the **** out of Wendy ppl were LIVID...Aaliyah stans are still mad at Wendell and I honestly haven't watched her show since it 

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4 hours ago, CrAzAY said:

As much as I can't stand this whole thing I don't want to be a troll or hurt her feelings. 

I'm surprised I see no hate on her insta at all actually. Remember for the Aaliyah bio pic the fans scared zendaya right out of the roll. 

Ppl weren't here for that travesty from jump and they commended her for avoiding career syicide with that movie 

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14 minutes ago, derick said:

Aaliyah and Whitney SLAYED ratings (obviously and Britney will too) but that aaliyah movie my goodness I wanted to beat the **** out of Wendy ppl were LIVID...Aaliyah stans are still mad at Wendell and I honestly haven't watched her show since it 

Well i was young when Aaliyah died so idk if the whole movie was factual :ehum:

which is something thats scares me about britneys biopic. What if like a younger generation watches it and believes it all :idkney:

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5 hours ago, austsilva said:


drag ha for our Queen :wannadie:

You're ******* trash. She's a young girl trying to do a job she loves. She did not write this biopic. She did not produce it. She did not cast herself. How in the hell does she deserve any hate? If it wasn't her, it'd be someone else. Attack the people in charge, not a nameless actress just trying to make some money. :lessons: 

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1 minute ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

You're ******* trash. She's a young girl trying to do a job she loves. She did not write this biopic. She did not produce it. She did not cast herself. How in the hell does she deserve any hate? If it wasn't her, it'd be someone else. Attack the people in charge, not a nameless actress just trying to make some money. :lessons: 


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19 minutes ago, dynomite said:

why should we defend britney? this girl might be SO excited to be playing Britney. Just because she auditioned for the role, doesn't make her the blame. This is lifetime we are talking about, all their other documentaries have sucked so let them stay sucking at producing movies like this. Just because its britney doesn't mean that they should step up their game. Lifetime will always suck. If you're one of the ignorant comments on her instagram then you should be embarrassed. Stop taking everything so seriously and let this movie suck as it suppose to be.

and also to think that you made this thread thinking it would become a hit is embarrassing alone. 

I don't give a **** about a hit thread. This girl doesn't care about Britney she just cares about making a name for herself. Idc if she's excited about her role. She won't do it justice and she's going to portray Britney as nothing but crazy. Did you notice how the only footage to be leaked is the umbrella incident or her almost dropping the baby. Anyone who has anything to do with this project is shady and I'll stand by that **** your hit thread bs.

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2 minutes ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

You're ******* trash. She's a young girl trying to do a job she loves. She did not write this biopic. She did not produce it. She did not cast herself. How in the hell does she deserve any hate? If it wasn't her, it'd be someone else. Attack the people in charge, not a nameless actress just trying to make some money. :lessons: 

Preach mama

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...the more they exaggerate her circumstances...the less exaggerated the true events will seem, by comparison...making Britney relate-able, by comparison. For once in a long time, she needs to not be at fault. She needs to be perceived as innocent...this film will make the real person seem like a real person and make the dramatic scenes will help people to see "Hey, this movie is so exaggerated...Britney's pretty normal...like me."

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2 minutes ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

You're ******* trash. She's a young girl trying to do a job she loves. She did not write this biopic. She did not produce it. She did not cast herself. How in the hell does she deserve any hate? If it wasn't her, it'd be someone else. Attack the people in charge, not a nameless actress just trying to make some money. :lessons: 

Again anyone involved in this project is shady. Natasha knows what she's doing and she only cares that it's her big break. She doesn't care about Britney she doesn't care about dragging her name through the mud to make a **** lifetime movie. Lifetime is obviously the bigger evil for even starting this mess but everyone in the cast is just as guilty. Call me what you may but you can't change my opinion as I can't change yours and that's what it is. 

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