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The Unauthorized Britney Biopic For Lifetime Is Titled 'Britney Ever After' And Premieres Next Month

Jordan Miller

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I just saw it's being passed around to mainstream media sites. The tweet I saw seemed to have a sad tone to it - not sure if it's because they don't like that they're making the film or due to the sensitivity of the subject. 

Anyways, with it getting to more mainstream media, do you guys think B will see this? If so, how do you think she'd react? I'd like to think that she'd laugh at what a joke it is and point out that its not even set up right since it's her car, etc -- but being someone who struggles with depression & anxiety issues myself I know that if I were to see something like that of myself it'd just put me in a really bad place internally, even though I'd continue projecting a happy image. 

I know Britney is in such a great place right now, I just hate that footage like this has to be going around for her right now. Like, to recreate a sensitive moment from someone's life so poorly and disrespectfully is just totally not okay. 

/end rant 

Those are just my thoughts on this all. What do you guys think?

Here's the tweet: 


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3 minutes ago, SlayOut said:

nnnnn your comment is the only one dragging ha :moorangu:

Ugh. I don't care I'll defend Britney all by myself. This movie shouldn't be happening and this lesser creature shouldn't be playing our goddess. Lifetime and Britney shouldn't even be in the same sentence.:nothavingit:

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3 minutes ago, Sliver said:

It's not her fault tbh it's more like director or someone like that fault. 

If i would be in her place, i would agree to play Britney too

THIS. For ***** sake.  It's probably the director and scriptwriters who are telling the actors what to do. 

1 minute ago, Barbie Spears said:

Please don't. I'm pissed off about this film, but she's just a young actress looking for her big break, I can't blame her. We should be criticizing the people who came up with the idea and are funding this mess.


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I AM SCREAMINGGGGGGG :orangu: I literally CANNOT at her swinging the umbrella around trying to hit someone :orangu: Did she even hit the window once??? :orangu: Since you know THAT'S WHAT SHE DID IN REAL LIFE. We need to start a petition or something to get Britney's team to put a stop to this. I just know that the GP is too stupid to look up the actual facts, and will believe this biopic. 

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