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It's britarded to think her career will ever end...


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They mean for the young generation who won't know primeney. But I say Britney is a flesh and Blood person and she can't worry about her "status". She has to live her life the best she can. History will divide her life anyway. There will be a before and after the breakdown. 

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5 minutes ago, tarotx said:

They mean for the young generation who won't know primeney. But I say Britney is a flesh and Blood person and she can't worry about her "status". She has to live her life the best she can. History will divide her life anyway. There will be a before and after the breakdown. 

Wait, what?  That made zero sense to me.

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I think @tarotx is saying that the younger generation doesn't take Britney seriously because they were just toddlers or not even born yet when she was at her peak, which is why they aren't buying her music?  And that Britney should just keep doing her thing because she's already a legend?  Idk.  I'm really confused, too. :quirkney:

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But she's not really that relevant anymore. Like people know OF her, but mostly from between 1999-2008. Meaning when they hear her name and think of "blonde popstar who went crazy and shaved her head". 


Plus you can be a cultural icon, but not be a success, which is what Britney is. Kinda like how Jennifer Lopez is an a list star, but her movies/music flop hard. Britneys celebrity outshines her music at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, DirtyMind said:

I think @tarotx is saying that the younger generation doesn't take Britney seriously because they were just toddlers or not even born yet when she was at her peak, which is why they aren't buying her music?  And that Britney should just keep doing her thing because she's already a legend?  Idk.  I'm really confused, too. :quirkney:

i think that she could easily appeal to younger fans. She's too famous to not sell, i honestly think that her lackluster performances caused her decline, because the music itself is amazing and she's still relatively popular, her social media followers are rising, and more people seem to be getting into her now that she's actually doing award shows, talks shows and radio interviews again. 

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2 minutes ago, Britilicious said:

But she's not really that relevant anymore. Like people know OF her, but mostly from between 1999-2008. Meaning when they hear her name and think of "blonde popstar who went crazy and shaved her head". 


Plus you can be a cultural icon, but not be a success, which is what Britney is. Kinda like how Jennifer Lopez is an a list star, but her movies/music flop hard. Britneys celebrity outshines her music at this point. 

I'm confused by all of this tho.  Her album sold first week the equivalent and more than all the "popular" girls here so what are they talking about.  It literally is like they're making **** up that isn't real.

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10 minutes ago, DirtyMind said:

I think @tarotx is saying that the younger generation doesn't take Britney seriously because they were just toddlers or not even born yet when she was at her peak, which is why they aren't buying her music?  And that Britney should just keep doing her thing because she's already a legend?  Idk.  I'm really confused, too. :quirkney:

lol. I'll try.

The younger generations who won't know how great Britney was/is . But I say to hell with them! Britney is a flesh and Blood person and she can't worry about her "status" in pop world. She has to live her life the best she can because ,no matter what, history will decide how she is remembered. There will be a story about her life before the breakdown, and a story after the breakdown. Either way, she is a legend.


My reply?

Britney is the first Legend of the internet age. If anyone wants to know how great she was / is, they can relive it. This alone will make it so that future generations will never downplay or overlook her legacy like people do Madonna and Michael Jackson. Thats why Britney's comebacks are endless.

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7 minutes ago, Britilicious said:

But she's not really that relevant anymore. Like people know OF her, but mostly from between 1999-2008. Meaning when they hear her name and think of "blonde popstar who went crazy and shaved her head". 


Plus you can be a cultural icon, but not be a success, which is what Britney is. Kinda like how Jennifer Lopez is an a list star, but her movies/music flop hard. Britneys celebrity outshines her music at this point. 


lol at you comparing \britney to J Lo :orangu:

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