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Is Glory really dead? - Updated Sales


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3 hours ago, joe sp said:

I'm talking about the situation, her career was suppose to be over back then and the gp really hated her (the fans were the only ones feeling sorry for her) and then she succeed with gimme more... My point is, if she did it back then she can totally do it now and tomorrow

She had that viral factor back in 2007. Since then she had her "comeback hype" with circus, femme fatale. But now, people are not buying her "comeback" anymore and got over with her when there's so many other rising popstars. She was an important artist for crafting the pop culture back then but today, she's just another everyday pop singer who most people doesn't respect due to many reasons. 

So yeah, she failed to capture the momentum for her comeback hype and everything are going downhill because of her half assing. People just don't care about her until she proven herself yet again, which is very unlikely from the look of it.

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12 hours ago, Scrappy said:

I think Britney has lost her spark. She's watered down her routines, disappointing die-hard fans, and taken out heavy choreography altogether in favor of armography. Post breakdown, that was fine and acceptable because folks figured she'd need something easier. But seeing how healthy she is, it just comes across as lazy, uninspired, and talentless. If she doesn't sing and she doesn't dance, and her performances are mediocre at best, and all her noticeable facial features that made her cute and unique have been shaved off/botoxed to death, what exactly is her allure? A pretty, plastic-faced blonde who flails her arms around just doesn't cut it. I mean, that was basically her competition back in the day and look where they are now.

Glory didn't stand a chance, and I would argue it has nothing to do  with Piece of Me so much as Britney just isn't stepping up her routines and making them memorable as before. They're boring and one looks the same as every other. I mean, when the highlight of a performance is an assisted back walk-over, you know it's not a good day to be a Britney fan.  This Britney would never have made it back in the day and nostalgia will only keep her memory alive so long. By the GPs reaction, her star has already faded.

AN ASSISTED BACK WALK OVER! That really says it all. So sad, but true. Someone desperately needs to talk to her. Her team really doesn't care about her at all. 

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On 10/5/2016 at 5:10 AM, MaPlayz said:

Lotta things going on here.... so here's my two cents.

First off, it all depends on how Brit/her team wants her career to progress. The goals could be to

a) gain cultural momentum again and make her relevant to young people

b) keep promoting her as a legacy around and having her career as a current artist continue to fade out while raking in the cash through ads/tours etc.

If it's b), then no single 2, no other promo, no other performance is needed. However, if it's a) Britney and her team are after, then not releasing a second/third/maybe even fourth single could quite honestly be the stupidest thing they could do. How is she ever going to gain momentum again if all she does is release one single off an album?! If Adele does it, that's fine, because her album sold millions of copies. She has the exposure that Britney lacks. I think it's safe to say that most people buying the album were fans. Otherwise sales wouldn't be around 100k first week, then drop to 250 copies two months in (I'm exaggerating but you get the point.) It's not like millions of people listened to the album and came to the conclusion "It's bad and a flop, make it go away." Truth is, barely anyone has listened to the album and its respective songs aside from "Make Me" and no one ever will if she doesn't keep putting new singles out there. The sad thing about all this is that everyone who hears it loves it. The whole point now isn't even promoting Glory anymore - it's to make people realize she put new & fresh music out there AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. If Brit doesn't put out a couple more singles, it's another "legacy" record for the fans, insignificant to the GP,  and come B10, the BJ cycle continues and the same thing will happen all over again, only on a worse scale.

The truth of the matter is that you can only rely on your past success so much to sell. And I think Britney and her team have realized it. It works as long as there isn't a generational shift because the people that grow up with you will undoubtedly always know your name and follow your stuff because of the nostalgia factor. But once a new generation doesn't listen to your stuff anymore because you're no longer a staple of their cultural zeitgeist, you're starting to run into trouble. Yes, there's exceptions and yes, there's the occasional success (Madonna's COADF, Mariah's TEOM album) - but even then, they sink back into generation xyz's cultural oblivion. Both Madonna and Mariah will keep her fans regardless, but they're not gonna have an impactful cultural movement again the way they did decades ago.

Look at how much she's promoting this time around - she's performing at festivals, she's giving interviews and is on pretty much every major cultural outlet as a guest.

Question - why doesn't it take??

Answer - because currently, she doesn't have the momentum for people to REALLY care. Yeah, it's great that she does all this promotion, but if it's not a continuous effort on her part, then there's no point in doing it in the first place (unless she really is doing it just for fun.) From a business/marketing perspective, what she needs now is continuous promotion. A dope-*** video for the best single choice and then go out there and keep promoting. Then single 3 + video, then single 4 + video. Throw in some controversy in one of the vids to actually make people watch the damn thing.

Having said all this - I'm perfectly happy with her taking it slower and releasing new albums here and there, so if that's what she wants, then I'm all for it. But again, if girl wants more, she gotta continue to give us moah.


TOTALLY agree. One of the biggest hiccups with this era was the initial roll-out of the lead single. "Make Me..." could have had much more of a build-up to get people hyped. Partnerships could've been made to help build the hype as well (radio, television, social media, etc.), but they dropped the ball. She could've even pulled a Gaga and performed the song in a smaller venue and then teased the big VMA performance in August. The biggest flub came with the music video mess. It derailed everything that could've been. It really sucks because it seemed like she was going to start this era out on a really strong note. The BBMA's got everyone excited, and people were actually beginning to see her as a GOOD/decent performer again. Unfortunately, the era started out very weak, and it just never gained any momentum due to the very poor, stupid decisions of her team and RCA. Now, we have an album that is LITERALLY only selling 250 copies in a week (your estimate was seriously not an exaggeration) and no one is talking about it anymore.

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On 10/5/2016 at 0:54 PM, Kennizle said:

And my answer to this thread is, yes its Dead for now.. But it could be a walking Dead if they release a good 2nd single choise, awesome video, **** with dancing... 

And it could be allot better if she did mention glory on all those promo stuff she did the past few weeks.. 

So its still posible 

Our standards, as Britney fans, are so low that we're actually comparing this album to a zombie... :rihclap: I can't.

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I mean I think so. The GP doesn't care. They didn't like MM. And we all know her first singles are the ones that have the best chances to be a hit - every other single doesn't do as well (except ITZ but that's bc it was ITZ). Same goes for her albums - the beginning is when it sells the most.

These are not necessarily my opinions but it's what the GP is thinking: she released a slow song, the video wasn't exciting, she didn't promote properly, and she underperformed at the VMAs. Then she hardly even promoted the actual album.

It just didn't work out. Such a shame bc it's such a great album.

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On 05/10/2016 at 4:31 AM, LionHeart said:

sorry to disagree! but era ends if britney stops promoting it and doing stuff, she is doing it this days, the era lives and is happening right now. when she announces her last single and astoped promoting you can tell that Glory' era is over, and it ends today is >>> BO, Circus, FF, BJ. im ok with her not being number one if she stills going like she is doing with her stage performances and how great she looks


Sorry, if the second single doesn't work, it will be the era's end. You know RCA, you know her team. Britney are awesome now, but her label are lazy yet. Of course we are in the best place in years, but the album deserves at least 3 singles. I won't be "ok" if they kill the album/era after the next song.

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On 07/10/2016 at 2:32 AM, BOBIBCFBG said:

I mean I think so. The GP doesn't care. They didn't like MM. And we all know her first singles are the ones that have the best chances to be a hit - every other single doesn't do as well (except ITZ but that's bc it was ITZ). Same goes for her albums - the beginning is when it sells the most.

These are not necessarily my opinions but it's what the GP is thinking: she released a slow song, the video wasn't exciting, she didn't promote properly, and she underperformed at the VMAs. Then she hardly even promoted the actual album.

It just didn't work out. Such a shame bc it's such a great album.

GP doesn't know Glory! They like MM, but they love her music videos and now there isn't one, there is a mess. This album is awesome, but it's all about Vegas and this is the problem with her career now.  Her team has to improve soon! And yes, she was good in her debuts, it is her good job with numbers to show her work to people all around the world, they needs to remember this fact.

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Glory is deff dead for now. It's extremely sad cause it's some of her best work, and the gp won't get to appreciate it

But the thing is she will never have huge hits again or sell well as long as she is in Vegas. The day she quits Vegas and goes back to do real promo + tour she will achieve success 

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On 10/5/2016 at 7:14 AM, Scrappy said:

I think Britney has lost her spark. She's watered down her routines, disappointing die-hard fans, and taken out heavy choreography altogether in favor of armography. Post breakdown, that was fine and acceptable because folks figured she'd need something easier. But seeing how healthy she is, it just comes across as lazy, uninspired, and talentless. If she doesn't sing and she doesn't dance, and her performances are mediocre at best, and all her noticeable facial features that made her cute and unique have been shaved off/botoxed to death, what exactly is her allure? A pretty, plastic-faced blonde who flails her arms around just doesn't cut it. I mean, that was basically her competition back in the day and look where they are now.

Glory didn't stand a chance, and I would argue it has nothing to do  with Piece of Me so much as Britney just isn't stepping up her routines and making them memorable as before. They're boring and one looks the same as every other. I mean, when the highlight of a performance is an assisted back walk-over, you know it's not a good day to be a Britney fan.  This Britney would never have made it back in the day and nostalgia will only keep her memory alive so long. By the GPs reaction, her star has already faded.

i agree, well said! :brityes:

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4 hours ago, UNX said:

GP doesn't know Glory! They like MM, but they love her music videos and now there isn't one, there is a mess. This album is awesome, but it's all about Vegas and this is the problem with her career now.  Her team has to improve soon! And yes, she was good in her debuts, it is her good job with numbers to show her work to people all around the world, they needs to remember this fact.

GP didn't like MM it's a #17 song

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I read all 6 pages:gloria::gloria: So much tea here

I don't think the GP is well aware of the release of Glory. Britney and her team cannot miss the chance this time it decides the fate of Glory:embarrassney: Although the GP lost the "comeback hype" they got in 2008/2011 and is not that interested in Britney new material, they now still think Britney is relevant and recognize her legacy. If they miss it and give up glory over B10, brit's global relevance will drop further:embarrassney: 

Afterall, I wish Britney happiness. Support her anyway:)

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On 10/8/2016 at 8:50 AM, pseudo_82 said:

If she truly sees it as her baby then she won't just let it die. Maybe she wants this one to burn slow to last through her vegas residency. We just need to wait and see and stop with this, give us all of you today ****. 

Burn slow? It's not burning at all...

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On 10/8/2016 at 2:56 PM, patience-darling said:

Where is Glory at sales wise right now?

In the U.S. Glory has only sold around 105,000 - 110,000 copies (in pure sales), if that... maybe a little more with SPS. Right now it's fallen down to #138 on the Billboard 200 chart, and it's nowhere to be seen on the iTunes top 150 or any of the HDD building album sales charts. It's probably not even selling 1,000 copies per week at this point. Basically, it's dead - from a sales standpoint, and no one is talking about it anymore.

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