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Is Glory really a flop


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This is the dumbest question I ever asked. 


Well. :tiffeyeroll:



Atleast she sold over 100k the first week, and outpeaked Britney Jean. Which is a huge step up. I didnt even think Glory would do 60k in the first week. We also had a top 20 this era with a fucktarded video and a "lacklusture" vma performance. 

Imo, Britney is really proud of this album. And this is why shes promoting piece of me.. I mean glory. 

Yall treatin Britney like Brandy and Mariah where her label is prohibiting Britney from releasing. :tiffeyeroll:

If Britney opened up with 40k. :tifftear:

Then Britney would have a hard time releasing another album. So as long as Britney opens up with 100k or atleast 85k with B10 we'll be fine.

And I mean Brandys been out for 4 more years than Britney and she is prohibited from releasing.

Britney is still doing fine. As long as B10 garners another top 20 hit. I think shes safe. 

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The standards of it being a "flop" or not are subjective.

Say, if it were any other artist who sold Glory's numbers and debuted at Billboard number 3, that would be great.

But since we're talking about Britney Spears, the girl who has 2 Diamond albums and whose first album oustsold Beyonce's entire discography, something we all like to brag about all the time, it's disappointing ngl

Some would say it's the declining sales climate, albums don't matter anymore, digital and streams are in, sales are out etc.

But then you have Adele, Beyonce, and Taylor freaking Swift selling millions in the same environment so.. 

I'm not saying it's a flop, but it's not something to celebrate either.

This is us looking for Glory in the charts. :receiptswheretho:

Still a great album. Flop or not.

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5 minutes ago, Artsy Fartsy said:

it's pretty good comparing to the sales of other veteran artists like Madonna, Mariah and X-tina tbh :verycool:

Madonna's latest album already reached a million, something I just don't see Glory achieving soon

You can't really compare her to Mariah since she was slaying way before Britney debuted

Xtina is the biggest flop I agree :verycool: 

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6 minutes ago, Artsy Fartsy said:

it's pretty good comparing to the sales of other veteran artists like Madonna, Mariah and X-tina tbh :verycool:

Gurl LBR Britney can only be compared with XTina sales wise. Mariah's career is 9 years older than Britney's, and she and Madonna are the best selling female artists of all time. Both are on a different league

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Honestly since Britney said that she had felt constricted by her conservatorship before creating Glory, I feel very grateful that Glory is the album that it is.

It's cohesive and a perfect pop album, and the fact Britney felt in control while creating Glory makes me love it and appreciate it that much more!

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It is a flop and you will deal. It literally made 0 impact on the pop culture. Brenda jones had Work *****, an iconic motivational song.

glory has the perfect lead single make me but team b decides to dig a grave for it with the disgraceful video. Just look at that flopage view it has. Promos can't save whatever damages they have made lbr. And didn't they bombed millions or so on the original video? What do you think RCA will do with that big loss, just because "it didn't work?":nothavingit:

unless Britney herself self fund some money in, I don't see single two coming at all. It's a losing project to be invested in.

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WHO CARES IF GLORY FLOPPED. Jesus Christ, I'm so tired of this **** fan base judging an album by how successful it is. Commercially it may have "flopped" (it really didn't, but whatever), but critically, both professionally and within the Army, it's been her most praised album since Blackout. Why can't stans appreciate that? Glory is her best album since 2007, after the disaster that was BJ I never thought she'd deliver an album of this quality ever again. I'm eternally grateful.

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4 minutes ago, BraveNewSeth said:

WHO CARES IF GLORY FLOPPED. Jesus Christ, I'm so tired of this **** fan base judging an album by how successful it is. Commercially it may have "flopped" (it really didn't, but whatever), but critically, both professionally and within the Army, it's been her most praised album since Blackout. Why can't stans appreciate that? Glory is her best album since 2007, after the disaster that was BJ I never thought she'd deliver an album of this quality ever again. I'm eternally grateful.

what are you yapping about?

"judging" the album by how successful it is? ummmm no, NOBODY is doing that. literally everybody is praising glory (even overrating it tbh) on this forum and i haven't seen one person that doesn't like it. 

"why can't stans appreciate that it's her most praised album?" ummm what? everybody here DOES appreciate that. the entire forum was celebrating when the great reviews came in (and they still are). 

so, basically, you IGNORE the hundreds of Glory praise threads for some reason and decide to comment this mumbo jumbo when somebody decides to ask if glory's numbers are decent or not? okay...


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38 minutes ago, TripInTheZone said:

Honestly i dont think so. If you think about it, all the artist that were sucessful, they had a big leverage. 

Rihanna - Samsung

Beyonce - Superbowl/HBO

if she had some sort of support she be way more sucessful with this album then she if now. :rude2me:

If she would have made it an Apple exclusive like i thought it was gonna be when she said "When you preorder my album, you'll also get "Private Show" too" would've made it debut at #1 but it still debuted in the Top 3 which isn't that bad. Her team just ultimately sucks and doesn't know what they're doing:yaknow:

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48 minutes ago, david lachapelle said:

what are you yapping about?

"judging" the album by how successful it is? ummmm no, NOBODY is doing that. literally everybody is praising glory (even overrating it tbh) on this forum and i haven't seen one person that doesn't like it. 

"why can't stans appreciate that it's her most praised album?" ummm what? everybody here DOES appreciate that. the entire forum was celebrating when the great reviews came in (and they still are). 

so, basically, you IGNORE the hundreds of Glory praise threads for some reason and decide to comment this mumbo jumbo when somebody decides to ask if glory's numbers are decent or not? okay...


"Mumbo jumbo" and then you write all this bullshit. lol log off.

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