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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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I actually liked the set list before reading the comments. Geez you guys suck the fun out of everything. 

This is a festival with other artists performing. The people there aren't just there for Britney, I think it's a good idea to perform some of her older stuff that crowd actually knows. 

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6 minutes ago, Barajas said:

why meltdowns.. guys REALLY U WERE EXPECTING NEW SONGS FROM GLORY.. in this type of event?.. OF COURSE NOT.. she need the old hits.. and she is also including two new songs.. so.. PLEASE GUYS!!

yeah because GP are so into work ***** and a missy eliot medley

But when she made a medley of her own career in a award show she performed touch of my hand and i love rock n roll..because yeah GP is so into it


stop the excuses.


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1 minute ago, Miss_D said:

I actually liked the set list before reading the comments. Geez you guys suck the fun out of everything. 

This is a festival with other artists performing. The people there aren't just there for Britney, I think it's a good idea to perform some of her older stuff that crowd actually knows. 

what about Messy Elliot medley tho? :trash: 

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1 minute ago, X445500 said:

Stop ******** on POM just because you expected her to perform Glory tracks. She does not have time to rehearse new choreo for 17 tracks.

Image result for rpdr all stars 2 gif

I don't think anyone was expecting an entirely new performance, let's be real. But to see that no other songs (besides Make Me and DYWCO, which already are choreographed/set) from Glory were included, when you think she'd want to promote her new album, is kind of a letdown. Even if she performed just one Glory song, I think people wouldn't **** on POM this hard. 

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