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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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1 hour ago, Melinda said:

Im so sick of people on here for real.... its always something, her hair, face, clothes, smile, dancing, lipsyncing, her ig and yada yada yada.... and "i love her to death... BUT..." "i will always support her, BUT....." everything was great, BUT...." and thats funny bc if everything was great, then there is no "but" :nothavingit: 

And i wouldnt mind her pre-reord things or sing live, i would be slayed but its like why do some of you ***** about it year after year after year, its like LET IT GO.

If it happens it happens if its not then oh no, to bad... life goes on, i enjoy watching her do her thing and im not even bothered by it... bc i love her for her not her live singing. 

Its so ******* sad that people cant just aprriciate her for who she is today and be happy that she come so far from where shes been and that shes finally being herself again, and if some of you cant enjoy that then why not just leave and stan for someone that do everything shes not? Simple as that :comingthru:

And i get that you can have an opinion but stop with the ******* meltdowns over the smallest things and take those "opinions" to the level of shade and bashing. 

sometimes im wondering if im in a Britney forum or not, its ******* embarrassing. 

And one more thing, maybe SHE is happy with the performances shes doing and the other things she does, ever think about that? She is the artist after all, and i cant wait when all this is over and people start with the "i miss everything she did in the glory era" "why cant she do that again" bullshit...

so stop complain and be happy shes here and shes healthy and still doing music and promo, it all can be gone by tomorrow. 

A to tha ******* MEN, couldn't have said it any better 

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2 hours ago, Barbie Spears said:

The entrance was badass. The Toxic intro and the way she did that pointing thing over her dancers was hot. I saw a sudden rise in her energy/confidence during Slave so that song was a fave of mine too :) 


Exactly this, toxic intro was really good

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2 hours ago, Melinda said:

 i cant wait when all this is over and people start with the "i miss everything she did in the glory era" "why cant she do that again" bullshit...

so stop complain and be happy shes here and shes healthy and still doing music and promo, it all can be gone by tomorrow. 

YASSS  after apple music festival, people will be bitching hardcore that britney and her team don't care. LOL its like if she puts on a 30 minute promo for whatever it is "ew that again" "wheres glory"

and when she doesnt do anything "why is she so lazy" "why is her team so incompetent, why isnt she doing what other artists are doing - her job"

:verycool:  "id rather her not do anything, she's just killing her legacy"

and when britney slays .... 

"omg what is that outfit!?" :sofedup: the fact that people actually have this opinion that the outfit was UNFLATTERING...

i can't seem to stray away from the negativity, it's just all so overwhelming funny and sad at the same time. 

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32 minutes ago, nonoiseplz said:

Lil' girl, Britney is an average performer now.  *POOF* Delusion gone! :)

Britney suffered a mental breakdown and has worked to  become a better performer since the breakdown.

Britney is now a better performer than she has been for the past 10 years. 

Yay Current-ney :feelingmyself:

If it wasn't for the Mannequin rehearsal video, I might agree with you.

However, that video proves that she's not the best performer she's been in 10 years. Yes, she was just in a dance studio, rehearsing, not in front of a bunch of people. However, she currently feels very comfortable in vegas, comfortable enough to be able to do that coreography and nailing it as if she were in a dance studio, if she wanted to. The problem is: she doesn't want to do complex/quick coreographies anymore and hence her performances aren't as good.



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-The general public hasn't said anything negative about the performance because, they aint really talking about it...

- We only getting two songs from Glory; Make Me (which after hearing the rest of the album, we can move on from), and DYWCO, and the choreo to that alone isn't cutting it.

- I'm a stan till I die, but I'm still gonna clock ol' girl when she not serving right.

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I loved every second of it. It looked fresh, it was fun and entertaining and she looked amazing. 

Yes for us a lot of it is not new because of POM, but for the GP this is all new and exciting.

she brought it.

I am ******* obsessed with DYWCO I just love how she brings it and you can see she's just having fun when she does and that's all that matters. 

25 min of promo, who would have dreamed that a few months ago? 


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5 hours ago, Бри́тни Спирс said:

She does not understand that there's no thing as "I have nothing to prove anymore". Humans have to evolve and prove they can get better and better and better. Humans need to get better. It doesn't matter what you do, whether you are a cook who's trying to learn to prepare as many dishes as possible and actually trying to make 'em perfectly or a pop star who has to show the new generation why they're a pop star. What you did in the past won't make you stay on top of the world forever. 

She has a lot more to prove. She has to prove she can still dance like it's actually dancing. She has to prove she can sing live. She has to prove she still wants to be in the music industry. I do not blame her if she does not want to 'cause what she went through was more than tough and people bashing her was just unnecessary. 

Madonna didn't gain the title "Queen of Pop" by thinking "I have nothing to prove anymore". Mariah did not slay the world when everybody was saying she lost it by not wanting to prove anything anymore. And that's what Briti fans don't understand. It's not like she doesn't have to prove anything anymore it's she simply does not want to ...when she desperately needs to. This is an important point in her career. 


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Good post.

I can appreciate attention to detail. But some people take it too far, to the point where they're searching for tidbits to complain over. Many people that actually attended the festival said Britney was the highlight of the night and fans here are getting so worked up over petty things.

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1 hour ago, Arnold. said:

By the looks of it, Britney doesn't need to prove she's back to the GP. They all recognize her as a legend and icon and continues to put on great shows. It's the die hard Britney fans that need convincing tbh. 

I'm convinced die hard fans just want her to slay 200% like it's her only passion in life so they can run and brag to other fan bases how she's Queen B. Nevermind how 2016 gave us 99% of everything we've been yearning for in the past decade. Appearance wise, music, promotion, energy, etc. 


continue to do you britney. You've exceeded all my dreams and fantasies this year with everything going on. :bootyney:


No one has ever spoke so much truth. This is it 1000000000%.

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I loved her entrance with Work *****, loved her outfit, loved her confidence throughout the performance, loved the new remixes (esp. for Slave and Toxic, and that Stronger break!) Like I hope some of those remixes hit the club tbh!

Toxic performance slayed my existence (the intro was amazing, and I loved that the camera zoomed out to show the dark audience with the phone lights on), added some magic to the performance! Slave performance was a treat, too!

I liked seeing the audience reaction to DYWCO (they seemed to be jamming) and Make Me was a nice ending to the performance. Having G-Eazy join up with her was cool too!

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