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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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3 minutes ago, coo said:

what really needs to happen is she needs to find her groove again. i know nothing of her personal life, but if i can assume it's probably hard for someone that doesn't go out, party, having fun outside with gals/friends (conservatorship + she seems like more of a stay home person nowadays) to find joy in the dancing that she does. she needs to feel herself again and feel WILD and fearless and confidence, bc that's what translates well in dancing. for whatever reason her approach is too in control and it shows.


I know it's not popular to discuss the conservatorship on here, but I can't get past the idea that her life has been "too in control" for far too long now.

I don't think she'll be able to return to being the performer she once was until she finds her sense of abandon again. And that's not going to happen with the current team she's surrounded by right now.

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I expected her to improve.... Lipsyncing was so bad, she was barely lipsyncing actually. The choreography was also bad and her execution of the choreography was "meh". She looked hot... but looking hot is not enough. Brit... if you're going to dance the way you're currently dancing, please just make the effort to sing some verses live.

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I've learned over the last 10 years to majorly lower my expectations with Britney. I was really hoping the Glory era would be different bc she's almost back to old Britney - looking hot, stage confidence, an amazing album... But I can't raise my expectations. I knew last night would be a mini POM but I thought she would at least add one new song from Glory. In the back of my head I honestly didn't thinks he would - but it was kinda the least she could do. I wasn't super impressed last night.

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12 minutes ago, saicis said:

She no longer shows any talent. 

Just think about that for a while before you jump down my throat. What she does on stage, anyone could do.

There's no choreo. She literally throws her hands above her head and then makes shapes with them, spins around, flips her hair, gets on the floor and flips her hair some more... while she does this she does her best to look **** and smouldering while mouthing the words to songs that she released 16-18 years ago. 

She doesn't utter one single ******** ******* word live. WHAT THE ACTUAL ****?!!!! How can you defend that?! NOT ONE NOTE LIVE!

She should be ashamed but she doesn't give a ****. She can't even be bothered to pre-record vocals to give a different experience.

The worst part is the 'yes' people who are obviously telling her she 'slays'. You're guilty as well. I saw her instagram and people saying 'you slayed queen, omg, queen of pop'.

No.  A 'queen' doesn't give one shitty performance after another. The fans who praise her are holding her back even more. Uff so annoyed that she's ******* up yet another era. 

More fool you for expecting more :ricackle:

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1 minute ago, westshouse said:

100% agree.:rihclap: A person has to constantly push themselves to be the best they can be. Take Leo DiCaprio for example he did whatever it took to get an Oscar (even though i feel like they gave it to him out of pity). It's 2016 and people are over singers lip syncing. You can use playback but they also want to hear you sing over that track. Imagine if Adele started lip syncing cause she felt like she has already cemented herself in pop culture history and didn't need to hit high notes anymore

Omg Adele would get BURIED. :jackk:

I agree with everything said in this thread. Britney needs to step everything up across the board. I genuinely forgot she even had a performance last night, and i won't be tuning in to any more. At this point, I'm only here for music videos and albums. **** performances.

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Just now, seanl3s said:

Look at the absolute ******* MESS of this comment.^^^^

Yeah lets all be negative and hard to please and go about our lives unappreciative and refuse to be happy that a performer of 20 years is still making millions of people happy all around the world.

Will we just disregard everything she has already achieved because she doesn't dance like a 17 year old anymore and the majority of her competition is 10 times younger than she is.

While your LUNACY is stuck on repeat most of us are actually embracing anything she does positively because we've spent 2 decades loving everything about her.

But yeah... lets just be miserable like you, how nice.

Lol, chill. No one is 'disregarding' everything she has done in her career. We aren't even saying that she has to dance like a 17yo anymore, but you can't just expect every fan to shrug off her medicore performances because she is a performer of 20 years. You need to accept that some fans aren't thrilled with all the things that you are thrilled with, in terms of what Britney is delivering. 

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2 minutes ago, seanl3s said:

Look at the absolute ******* MESS of this comment.^^^^

Yeah lets all be negative and hard to please and go about our lives unappreciative and refuse to be happy that a performer of 20 years is still making millions of people happy all around the world.

Will we just disregard everything she has already achieved because she doesn't dance like a 17 year old anymore and the majority of her competition is 10 times younger than she is.

While your LUNACY is stuck on repeat most of us are actually embracing anything she does positively because we've spent 2 decades loving everything about her.

But yeah... lets just be miserable like you, how nice.

"Most of us"...clearly not, have you read the comments on here? Her biggest fan base? People are TIRED!

Also how can you say her competition is 10 years younger? Beyonce? Rihanna? JLO? MADONNA?! Some of these ******* are 10 years older than Britney and can still run rings around her.

It is NOT about dancing. I don't care about that anymore. It's about giving something fresh different and showing you take your position seriously. How many times have we wished her well and supported her? All she ever does is give the same under-rehearsed boring stuff.

And yet again, she's a singer who doesn't sing. How can she not be embarrassed by that? Not ONE WORD live in over 10 years?

Before you all start with the 'performer' ****... performers sing and dance. Britney is a mime act. Say what you want, drag me to the pits of hell I don't care. 

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