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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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42 minutes ago, Jsolanoofficial said:

Exactly my thoughts, she was once the person who inspired me to become a dancer and major in that and now she just jumps around acting "****" and I'm like wtf, her dance moves are what we're ****, her big numbers and breakdowns. Yeah she ran around on stage for 30 minutes but what did she really do in terms of choreo other that 20 second to 30 seconds at most. The rest of the time she kind of looked like an amateur ********...


19 minutes ago, Kennizle said:

Meh... It's like watching pom las vegas. 

It's not bad, but it's not like she did something we didnt see yet. 

I agree she had good energy, but most of it was walking around, and hand movements.. Tbh i got a bit bored.. 


So, I made my non-Britney friends watch it... and they got bored fast. Literally, "Oh God not -that- move again!" was said a few times amid groans. There were comments about her behaving like an amateur ******** and a lot of, "I'm sorry, is she a dancer? Where's the dancing? I see a lot of posing and arm movements."  I would counter with "she looks great though..." but you can only say that so many times before you have to admit that she's not actually dancing. I agree with another poster: Britney was known for OWNING the stage - new, innovative, killer dance numbers - lots of memorable choreography - but right now it's getting so boring with the same recycled POM routines: arm movements and strutting over and over again. Yes, she looks fabulous and this outfit was incredible, but can we please move on from this era of armography already? Where's the Break the Ice choreo from the first leg? That was original at least and fire. It's better than this entire performance! It's like anything hard is gone replaced with mediocre. At one point, I was embarrassed cause someone said and laughed, "they're literally carrying her!" And another time, a friend said, "Is she hiding between her dancers?"  I really, really, really want Britney to bring it... just once... with something awesome and innovative again. But How many years has it been now with the same ol' tired Vegas performances? Give it a rest already and come up with something new!

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I loved this performance. I was kind of nervous I literally dreamed about it about her just doing hand movements and wearing leotards. But some honest points from me, in my opinion:

1. I forgot the VMAs happened. This was sooo goooooddd.
2. I understand why some people liked the BBMA better. This is basically the long version of that. BBMAs were carefully put together to invlude the best parts squeezed into a 7 minute performance. And this seemed like a whole book compared to the BBMA summary plot.
3. Her outfit reminded me of her Korea performance where to me she looked so hot and feisty and fresh. Only difference is her orange tan shes been donning recently.

 4. She shouldnt have done her older hits - stronger, cray and the missy elliot ones. SHE SHOULDA DONE GIMME MORE. I was waiting the whole time like "When's GM coming. Okay she didnt do WB floorography but she gotta do GM somewhere here", "6 minutes and the video's finished she int gonna do it!!! T_T"
5. I was scalped bald when DYWCO happened but the damn camera angles happened to cut to somewhere else on the best pats - when she doubles over at the last parts.
6. She didnt seem nervous or awkward like during the first 2 mins of BBMAs. A few times during the first half I could swear she reminded me so much of primeney - how she gazed at the audience and made those little facial expressions.
7. They wasted the opporunity to introduce a third Glory song. If they are choosing which could be 2nd single, they shoulda done another song to test when the crowd's going crazy.

All in all I loved this performance and cant wait for this to be on Vevo. I hope all britney fans enjoyed it but we know how we could be too pessimistic at times. We cant expect Prime-ney to comeback right away. Baby steps ;) 

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4 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

She is trying to remind GP of who she was and win their heart all over again by doing so. She wants them to wonder and listen to her new music, so next time someone sees glory in music store they'd think of her old hits and trust her on delivering again...that's what i think. She knows what's up!

The music was half the Britney product.. the rest were her amazing videos, choreographies, and killer outfits. Unfortunately, she's not reminding them of these parts when she waters down the routines.

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Just now, JoffBaratheon said:

She knew I'd be watching and im grateful for that HD performance. Seriously though I'd be interested in hearing in with 2016 vocals but it's my favorite song so I'm just happy it gets performed 

Visual wise, the choreo is like from a Zumba dance class, which is not good. IMO those two songs are brought the whole thing less entertainment, along with Missy's tribute (i dont get it at all).

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1 minute ago, jamesblue said:

but i hope shed done the most iconic ones instead. Oops orignal chore woulda slayed even 10 sec of the chorus would be enough. IMO her most iconic past songs are Oops, Slave, Toxic. Those three should be enough to remind people who she was and still is.

But if she performs her new songs people would be like she probably performed the best why listen to the album, but this way people will be wondering about her new material

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