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Britney Spears Is Performing At Chicago's B96 Jingle Bash

Jordan Miller

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20 minutes ago, billbritneyfan said:

Yes please. And put it on vevo as a music video. MIMI's song has 2 or 3 music videos

For real I don´t know why she doesn´t do this, it´s a super cool holiday song, she doesn´t have to sing it, just rehearse a cool performance full of holiday cheer and use as the MV the song never had, and I honestly think it would sell very well :donewithit:


Please someone make this happen!!! :wendycry:

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3 hours ago, jamesblue said:

it's one of my all time fave christmas song next to all i want for xmas. this song never got the live performance it deserved. i hope britney's still up for it. it would make xmas complete. :mcry:

Yes it would!! We need something visual from her, btw, I still don´t understand why she has never released a Christmas album, I mean I can totally see her doing it, it would be amazing  :crying11:


PLEASE BRITNEY GIVE US A CHRISTMAS ALBUM!!!!  :wendycry::wendycry::wendycry:

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