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I Found Michael from "Make Me" instagram!!!


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29 minutes ago, coo said:

in the video brit and her servants laugh at his face for no reason and now i can't stop laughing seeing his face :orangu: he's a joke to me now and i don't even know why lmao

:orangu: I promise you we're up to no good.


12 minutes ago, Toxicité said:

He has a sweet face lol

Reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio when he was younger.  Good genes.  :) 

Tbh, :crying1: Michael looks so innocent.  He's probably nasty in bed. :tehe:@Kiiddy pre-non-virginity tbh.

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4 hours ago, Mario Posey said:

I was starting to binge watch Super Girl on netflix and he played this frat kind of dude who got ****** up and had like a 10 second cameo and I recognized him ASAP so I found his name through the episode on the imdb page.

I knew some people were just talking about figuring out what his instagram and stuff was so I got it for you guys.



Detective skillz level: Exhella-good :receiptswheretho:

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