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Britney.com: Which Song Should Be Single #2


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I'm legitimately shocked that my three favorite tracks from the album are apparently being considered! :carpoolney:

However, I personally think Slumber Party is the best choice for the second single because it sounds like it would have the greatest mass appeal (spanning across different age demographics, genders and ****** orientations, etc) as well as several music markets, due to its R&B influences. 

In terms of releasing two midtempo songs consecutively, Bieber's "Purpose" singles were very similar, and it didn't affect sales at all (of course, I do understand his fan base is huge and filled with young girls that will buy anything he releases; nevertheless, it didn't negate the fact that "Sorry," "What Do You Mean," and "Love Yourself" were all received very well by the general public and radio.)

So in my opinion, her singles can do very well even if they all sound similar sonically, because the quality is so good this era. :CPKney:

Unfortunately, it'll all come down to whether radio supports the song(s) or not, which none of us can predict, as MM was arguably the most radio-friendly track on the entire album and resonated very well with the GP but totally paid dust by the radio. :britstare11:


ETA: Yikes, sorry for the novel!:idkney:

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19 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

WOW they're not even putting love me god in this poll ? WOW they put JLM ? What a joke. 

Please vote Liar it's a mastepriece. People voting for SP as the second are so stupid

why? because we love a song? We shouldn't? What makes you a better judge of singles? Do you have a diploma on choosing singles? Or have you had any experience? 

What the ****. People are allowed to have different opinions. And Liar is a fan favorite. No one besides fans like it. 

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