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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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1 minute ago, erieta_92 said:

They chose the wrong person for this segment.Britney is the most down to earth,polite person in the world.She would never be mean or demand things from others.Hell,even when she talks to interviewers she replies with:"Yes,sir" or "Yes,ma'am" .Still,she was cute and relaxed.

I know right? They should have gotten someone like Mariah or Madonna :angietea:

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I think Britney felt awkward because Ellen kept saying that "we're celebrities" and that they deserved special treatments lol

Obviously it's a joke but Britney felt bad I guess haha especially towards the boy who wanted to be a doctor. Ellen said he should be a celeb instead.

Britney being tactful and sweet that she is, was like, "you can be both" lol

Britney is sooo nice! But obviously the GP will think she's weird  or something. Whatevs. :donewithit:

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