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LIAR needs to be 2nd single !


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It's such a great song, Britney team please realize it!

I have an idea for video: Britney is:

  • a rich woman from south, from Texas.
  • she has this big hair and huge fake *****
  • she lives at huge ranch
  • but she's classy (like real south rich woman)


  1. She is in her beautiful mansion, smoking cigarette, her help is there. Suddenly two cowboys bring here a man (that she was chasing obviously); he may or may not be Justin Timberlake look a like.
  2. She yells at him, slaps him and we see that she's keeping him as a prisoner few days at home. During that time she's drinking alcohol, smokes cigarette and act a little bit crazy (like she's licking his face) but still classy.
  3. Also we can see that he cheated on her.
  4. At the end she put him in cabriolet (in trunk), and drove him to some cliff, where she spill petrol all over car and throw her zippo.
  5. The last scene we see messy rich woman how she's walking in her heels in the muddy ground.

Everybody who has some good idea to add write down, or somebody who have totally different vision of MV. :)



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12 minutes ago, BJ4u said:

I simply love the idea of Liar to be a 2nd single! :ohnoney:

My of the video would be to recreate the "Cry me a river" video, but with switched sides. That would cause so much controversy and voila, Britney will skyrocket again :hype:

I mentioned JT, that would be so good. 

11 minutes ago, MarnuF said:

LOVE LIAR! Totally agree!!:saycheese:


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32 minutes ago, AndrejBLV said:

It's such a great song, Britney team please realize it!

I have an idea for video: Britney is:

  • a rich woman from south, from Texas.
  • she has this big hair and huge fake *****
  • she lives at huge ranch
  • but she's classy (like real south rich woman)


  1. She is in her beautiful mansion, smoking cigarette, her help is there. Suddenly two cowboys bring here a man (that she was chasing obviously); he may or may not be Justin Timberlake look a like.
  2. She yells at him, slaps him and we see that she's keeping him as a prisoner few days at home. During that time she's drinking alcohol, smokes cigarette and act a little bit crazy (like she's licking his face) but still classy.
  3. Also we can see that he cheated on her.
  4. At the end she put him in cabriolet (in trunk), and drove him to some cliff, she where she spill petrol over car and throw her zippo.
  5. The last scene we see messy rich woman how she's walking in her heels in the muddy ground.

Everybody who has some good idea to add write down, or somebody who have totally different vision of MV. :)



Didn't even read it yet but I'm down for it to come next :quirkney::plzney:

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Oh **** I just posted a topic literally just like this LMAO. Ugh I'm on my phone I'm gonna copy and paste it into here 


You know what? I actually feel like Liar would make an awesome second single. It's so classic Britney and an uptempo bop that might be needed after Make Me. It came to me after I was listening to Liar and had an awesome idea for a music video... it's all southern-styled with horse-riding, bar fights, lassos, things like that. I think it would be so awesome because you would have a great song that already reminds people of why they loved Britney in the first place (fun, catchy pop!) and then having a video that hearkens back to Britney being an all American-southern belle (although in this video she'd be causing total mayhem). Actually, it'd be a lot like Pink's "Trouble" video. Except with a different story-line and different type of aesthetics so it isn't too similar. Also the ending of the song with that heavy beat and harmonica could have the video ending with her setting one of those old-wooden town bars on fire and dramatically exiting while a little old redneck sits playing the harmonica outside as it burns down. It'd be totally fun and different for her, and will remove the "*** ****" stigma away from her. AND her videos seem to be the most iconic when it's set in some type of theme with characters and a story (BOMT, Oops, Toxic). The song could also make for awesome live performances. YES with live vocals because that's another thing she needs to fix her image with. I'm telling you LIAR can be everything :'(


BTW I like your idea a lot but I think it might be too controversial and I think she's trying to shy away from that image. Directly killing someone isn't gonna happen in a Britney video anymore :/ Also, I think her image needs to be fixed up a little bit. I don't want her to be known as so slutty so to give her fake ***** and big blonde hair would be detrimental to trying to shy away from that image that people think of her as probably being a fake, brainless blonde (even though we obvs know it's not true)

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18 minutes ago, BabyOneMoreTime. said:

Oh **** I just posted a topic literally just like this LMAO. Ugh I'm on my phone I'm gonna copy and paste it into here 


You know what? I actually feel like Liar would make an awesome second single. It's so classic Britney and an uptempo bop that might be needed after Make Me. It came to me after I was listening to Liar and had an awesome idea for a music video... it's all southern-styled with horse-riding, bar fights, lassos, things like that. I think it would be so awesome because you would have a great song that already reminds people of why they loved Britney in the first place (fun, catchy pop!) and then having a video that hearkens back to Britney being an all American-southern belle (although in this video she'd be causing total mayhem). Actually, it'd be a lot like Pink's "Trouble" video. Except with a different story-line and different type of aesthetics so it isn't too similar. Also the ending of the song with that heavy beat and harmonica could have the video ending with her setting one of those old-wooden town bars on fire and dramatically exiting while a little old redneck sits playing the harmonica outside as it burns down. It'd be totally fun and different for her, and will remove the "*** ****" stigma away from her. AND her videos seem to be the most iconic when it's set in some type of theme with characters and a story (BOMT, Oops, Toxic). The song could also make for awesome live performances. YES with live vocals because that's another thing she needs to fix her image with. I'm telling you LIAR can be everything :'(


BTW I like your idea a lot but I think it might be too controversial and I think she's trying to shy away from that image. Directly killing someone isn't gonna happen in a Britney video anymore :/ Also, I think her image needs to be fixed up a little bit. I don't want her to be known as so slutty so to give her fake ***** and big blonde hair would be detrimental to trying to shy away from that image that people think of her as probably being a fake, brainless blonde (even though we obvs know it's not true)

It's just a role play, people will know that she's acting a rich ***** from south.


But I really hope it's going to be 2nd single, it's so good!!!!

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1 hour ago, AndrejBLV said:

It's such a great song, Britney team please realize it!

I have an idea for video: Britney is:

  • a rich woman from south, from Texas.
  • she has this big hair and huge fake *****
  • she lives at huge ranch
  • but she's classy (like real south rich woman)


  1. She is in her beautiful mansion, smoking cigarette, her help is there. Suddenly two cowboys bring here a man (that she was chasing obviously); he may or may not be Justin Timberlake look a like.
  2. She yells at him, slaps him and we see that she's keeping him as a prisoner few days at home. During that time she's drinking alcohol, smokes cigarette and act a little bit crazy (like she's licking his face) but still classy.
  3. Also we can see that he cheated on her.
  4. At the end she put him in cabriolet (in trunk), and drove him to some cliff, she where she spill petrol over car and throw her zippo.
  5. The last scene we see messy rich woman how she's walking in her heels in the muddy ground.

Everybody who has some good idea to add write down, or somebody who have totally different vision of MV. :)






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