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I cant believe how the media and people in hollywood remain being insensitive, rude to britney after all for what she has happened:britstare11: and how struggled to overcome and still fighting her past problems and especially mental illness/anxiety there is nothing more disgusting than that:trash: especially a person who has to deal with anxieties, fears and people still want to open the wound:fkinoverit: i suffer from many problems of anxiety and dont understand how she has done to overcome all when the space where she lives the only thing that does is try to tear her down:mhmnod: is horrible.:wontcry:

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5 minutes ago, marioh said:

Stop being so sensitive. I mean yeah, it's rude, but welcome to internet I guess. Plus 'people shave their heads all the time'. Just scroll down and forget about it.

While I agree to the internet part! You have to realize he is (in whatever planet) "famous"! Meaning he has some responsibility of what he says! not the same as "some youtube comment"

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14 minutes ago, marioh said:

Stop being so sensitive. I mean yeah, it's rude, but welcome to internet I guess. Plus 'people shave their heads all the time'. Just scroll down and forget about it.

and will continue happening, people dont realize  letting things like that happens and not shaming who does becomes more permissible and something ''normal'' when it is not, it's disgusting and worst than bulling in fact this kind of bulling should be legally penalized.:mj:

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10 minutes ago, mylonliNESS said:

While I agree to the internet part! You have to realize he is (in whatever planet) "famous"! Meaning he has some responsibility of what he says! not the same as "some youtube comment"

Ok, I didn't know this person was famous. :idkha: But still, I KNOW it's rude and if someone feels like reporting, fine, do it, but I've seen so much worse stuff on the internet and the BEST thing to do is to just ignore it and not give him and his post any attention. Britney, after all, did shave her head and it is just a photo of that incident. It is part of her history and in fact there's nothing offensive in that picture - it is Britney with little hair on her head. That edit is unnecessary, but whatever... She moved on and so should we.

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9 minutes ago, marioh said:

Ok, I didn't know this person was famous. :idkha: But still, I KNOW it's rude and if someone feels like reporting, fine, do it, but I've seen so much worse stuff on the internet and the BEST thing to do is to just ignore it and not give him and his post any attention. Britney, after all, did shave her head and it is just a photo of that incident. It is part of her history and in fact there's nothing offensive in that picture - it is Britney with little hair on her head. She moved on and so should we.

I guess I see you're point too! The more attention something gets the bigger it becomes! not that it's gonna happen but it's like this getting the attention of like some online blog! or something cause of all the reactions and the story gets bigger! It's hard to decide in these cases what's the best approach! I guess it's the protective nature Britney fans have that makes us more... "sensitive" :bwink: lol but true let the chips fall where they may... btw :idkha: either just saw their bio and found out... I'd still leave a nasty comment at least :riri: if not report ;) you have to at least agree he serves to be dragged

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1 minute ago, Streets said:

Have any of you even watched the show? There's nothing offensive about that meme..

He's just drawing the parallel between how Britney there looks like Eleven (a bad *** girl with powers)

Exactly. I assumed everyone in this thread have watched it, but apparently not haha.

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14 minutes ago, mylonliNESS said:

While I agree to the internet part! You have to realize he is (in whatever planet) "famous"! Meaning he has some responsibility of what he says! not the same as "some youtube comment"

I agree, he is being disrespectful. I literally don't know ha, but assuming by the check mark he is famous. Britney was very vulnerable and broken at this time, it just isn't cool to poke fun in this way :wannadie:

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2 minutes ago, Draw The Blinds said:

I agree, he is being disrespectful. I literally don't know ha, but assuming by the check mark he is famous. Britney was very vulnerable and broken at this time, it just isn't cool to poke fun in this way :wannadie:

Exaactly! :wannadie: I don't know ha either! the bio and the tick mark (+ the million followers) tipped me off! Above all his followers should know this is wrong as well as him!

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