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Video Concept: Clumsy


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Opens in black and white then fades into color. Britney is the lead singer in a trio of girls at a Speak Easy. The two backup singers (one brunette, one redhead) are behind Britney with singing and performing simple choreography. Listeners at tables smoking cigarettes, sipping martinis. All in 1920s attire. (Keep on bumpin into you) A mafia boss is in his usual seat and gains interest in Britney. (OOPS!) They begin a steamy affair.

She's back on stage with the trio while flashing back to images of their affair. (Again and again) The mafia boss is in his usual seat. But Britney sees him leave with the brunette backup singer. At that point she realizes she is the other woman. (Never told a soul bout what we done) (Call me a fool call me insane) She goes to the brunette to plead for her to leave him. Scenes on the guy being a mafia boss. (Ohwohowo) They both decide to confront him and see him with the redhead. (OOPs)

The three are back on stage and the mafia boss' usual seat is vacant. (Oops) Flashes of the redhead figuring out she's the other woman too. They grab the machine guns surrounding his room and shoot him in his bed. 

Britney obv plays all three women. 


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5 minutes ago, tarotx said:

I want something like a cool combination of the following


I have never seen either of those videos! I love Shakira! Thank you for showing me. I don't really want that type of bedroom thing cuz I think it'd be to obvious. And I feel like the Star's Dance vid is very 20s. So I def agree with that idea. Thanks for actually positively contributing to this post!  

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7 minutes ago, tarotx said:

I think the chorus is cool enough because the hook comes outside it. But I think the song needs a male feature. 


8 minutes ago, Looukas said:

And then the looped chorus beat comes.... and what? :gloria:

"Call me a fool, Call me insane" I don't understand why if an infectious song is infectious it needs to be compared to conventional song structure. That's like comparing Britney to Beyonce. 

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