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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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Every minute I'm with friends or just people in general, I find myself counting down until when I can leave and go back to my own personal space. I had a bad elementary/high school experience that shook me so bad I had to move 3000kms away. I separate myself from everyone and then I get lonely but I know what it would be like to really put myself out there and it's so much worse.

This is why I also hate when people come for me for loving Britney. Her music was the #1 thing that got me through some rough years. I find her strength inspiring and she makes me so happy. :crying11:

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YES! I think something that always got me with Britney is that even tho she is the icon that she is, she never tries to fake her emotions and I relate so much to her because of that. I can't fake being comfortable when i'm on a situation that i'm not, and sometimes i even get myself ''pressing my lips'' the same way she does cause that's a form of distraction for me (and i feel like it is for her as well). 

I used to be really an extrovert when I was younger but somehow in the middle of this journey til now I've become way more lonely than I'd like to be. I always feel like people are judging me whenever i meet someone new and it just gets me really insecure. I looked for professional help last year and i found really good use of it back in that time, but once I stopped treating these social problems the struggles got back. 

I feel so bad seeing that a lot of you guys here go through those same things cause I know facing it can be really hard and feel like a lonely road sometimes, but I feel like the important matter is to always look forward and try your best to improve your own skills and give your best to the world. At the end of the day if you're happy with your own path it can only mean something good right?  :bigkiss:

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17 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


:crying2: this. I love this thread so much, and can relate to pretty much every post in here lmao. Ive become really lonely in the last couple years and lost most of my friends after I decided to finished high school online, because I missed a lot from being sick etc. theres way too much I could write on this subject, but don't really want to get into everything here :mhm: Britney stans need to have a meet up or something:hehehe:


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I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I've enjoyed reading this thread?  It's always weirdly comforting to know that others are going through things similar to you.  That said, I feel awful for those of you dealing with anxiety or any other disorders, as I know how debilitating it can be.  My heart breaks for you.

Anyway... I'm glad you guys shared your stories. :hugs:

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5 hours ago, Brit_love said:

people have actually told me that before they met me they thought i was a *****.

but im not a ***** i just dont talk to ppl cause im shy :quirkney:

Ugh, I hear you.  I can be really shy, especially in big groups, and I guess I look mean or something?  Same as you, I've had people tell me that they just assumed I was a **** before getting to know me.  This girl at work - who's a friend now - said she actually used to avoid me because she thought I'd be rude. :sickofu:

8 minutes ago, neydelina said:

im bored. wanna chat in pm?

Yes, please. :)

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4 hours ago, grevan said:

Wow this is so me! At work I am a social butterfly and strut around like I am the ******* boss. I just moved to a new office and I am being bombarded by people asking me to go out for drink or hang out and I legit CANT because outside of work I wouldnt be able to deal and they would see the much quieter, shyer awkward me lmao


PS EVERYONE ELSE I love all of you! I would be so happy to just all meet up, get in one big room, and have one giant awkward chill listening to Britney all night

Heaven! count me in sis :saycheese:

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3 hours ago, ItsBraydenBitch said:

I can 100% relate! Hanging out with people requires so much energy because I feel like I'm always putting on a show, scared they're judging my every move. I have like 1 or 2 close friends now but spend 90% of my free time alone. Hugs sweetie!

Exactly how i feel, but at the same time i've learnt to love myself for who i a,  it's a constant fight tho, you're no áloe :hugs:

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3 hours ago, ChrisTheLoner said:

It's been the same way for me for years so I understand how it feels :crying4:

I've only ever had one friend back when I was younger but when they moved away back 4 years ago I was never the same. They were the only person I talked to and we both stood up for eachother but after they moved away everything had changed and since then I haven't been able to make any friends :crying1:

I was bullied a ton too and its one of the reasons I always hated school so much. I've also went into phases of depression before because of it and would sometimes act bitter about not being able to make friends because of my shyness.

I have learned to live with it though and tried to at least make the best of it. It still kinda gets to me sometimes. It's the reason my name on here is 'ChrisTheLoner' :kidcries:

Omg u r just precious! Wish u everything good under the sun! <3 :mcry:

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