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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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11 hours ago, justice4phonography ;) said:

yup; i can be pretty outgoing (with to without alcohol) and other times I can be very inward. i am sensitive and feel differently around different energy or mixes of energy, i suppose.

I am SO sensitive the the energy and vibes others give off. It doesnt mean that I am always happy and bubbly unless someone brings me down but an angry mean aggressive vibe makes me spiral

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Kind of.  I typically don't get social anxiety, but I can be a little awkward in general.  I definitely do a lot of the **** she does, like licking my lips and wringing my hands when I'm uncomfortable.  It's actually reassuring knowing that a superstar like Britney isn't perfect in certain situations- it makes her even more relatable.  

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7 minutes ago, glitterfalls said:

I don't know you but I wonder if it's even something you're doing. I've been shy my entire life and a lot of people interpreted the shyness as being a snob. Why? I don't have a clue tbh. It still doesn't make sense to me this day. I never have been one of these people that could just randomly go chat people up and make friends with everybody by the end of the day and doubt I ever will be. 

I feel u sis'! I feel misunderstood in a lot of ways. I was shopping the other day and had tried on a jacket, 4-5 people have looked at me, one guy said to me that the jacket suits me very well with his thumb up. I haven't reacted. I just checked myself in the mirror. I'm not a rude *** ***** it's just because I'm shy and can't handle these compliments coz in the past I was treated very bad.:ehno:

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5 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:

I feel u sis'! I feel misunderstood in a lot of ways. I was shopping the other day and had tried on a jacket, 4-5 people have looked at me, one guy said to me that the jacket suits me very well with his thumb up. I haven't reacted. I just checked myself in the mirror. I'm not a rude *** ***** it's just because I'm shy and can't handle these compliments coz in the past I was treated very bad.:ehno:

I am (or was, because I try so much harder now) like this.. and I think its just because people expect to get back what they give. If they talk to you or smile at you or give you eye contact, its like they are reaching out to you, and then shy or not, you are shutting them down. The gut reaction when you give someone attention and dont get atttention back is that that person is an *******. No one stops and thinks "hmm I'm sure hes a nice guy deep down but he must be shy" Its quicker to just think "**** you."


I have given this a lot of thought and I might be shy but honestly, mentally, I like to think I am better off. I dont require the acceptance or the attention of others for my own mental well being. I just dont give a **** about stuff like that I am more than happy keeping to myself and being comfortable with solitude.


I actually pity people that seek the attention of others.

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Reading this thread breaks my heart. I wanna give you all a big hug.

I actually didn't want to post my life story here but as a teen and twen I had issues too. You can work on that. It all starts with self accepting. Go in front of your mirror, tell yourself that you love yourself for who and what you are. Look at yourself and smile. Find your inner peace. If you have found yourself you can start working step by step on issues. It is a process which takes time. And there is nothing wrong with getting professional help too. It did help me.

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16 minutes ago, grevan said:

I am (or was, because I try so much harder now) like this.. and I think its just because people expect to get back what they give. If they talk to you or smile at you or give you eye contact, its like they are reaching out to you, and then shy or not, you are shutting them down. The gut reaction when you give someone attention and dont get atttention back is that that person is an *******. No one stops and thinks "hmm I'm sure hes a nice guy deep down but he must be shy" Its quicker to just think "**** you."


I have given this a lot of thought and I might be shy but honestly, mentally, I like to think I am better off. I dont require the acceptance or the attention of others for my own mental well being. I just dont give a **** about stuff like that I am more than happy keeping to myself and being comfortable with solitude.


I actually pity people that seek the attention of others.

U r probably right! :britstare:

It is what is and I don't like being called a victim. I actually learned and accept it and I enjoy my own company, there r just times when u need someone tbh. 

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14 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


I read this and felt like I wrote it myself tbh :tifftear: I feel you on all of what you said! Especially the friends aspect; I never had much connection to people I went to high school with (minus a literal few people) since I was in the closet at the time and felt like no one really understood me then (not even myself). Going to college made me more outgoing (by my own standards hahaha) in that I found people that had similar interests but were also different. I saw myself coming into my personality, but there was always something missing and I didn't know what it was. I graduated college a couple months ago and I had to move back home because of finances, but I so miss all my friends I made. I feel very alone now and my anxiety/fears have heightened. But I'm trying to love myself and give myself enough grace to be joyful and happy with imperfections. That's why I love Britney and stan for her, since she's a role model in that aspect for me tbh :brityes:

Anyway, just wanted to affirm what you said! And feel what many people in the thread expressed!  

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Yes! When I'm at work and I put my "work face" on, I have attitude, fire and passion, just the same way Brit is when she's on the stage performing -- that's her world and she owns it completely everytime. I can be surrounded by 10 or 20 people and I act like I own the whole joint. BUT if I'm anywhere else just being casual, and I'm thrown in the same room with a crowd of people, I freeze up and avoid everyone. 

And also when I'm in a group meeting with different people, I always play with my hands under the table.  

I think I have social anxiety and it probably deals with a lot of HS bull, but that's another story lol 

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