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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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Yes. I used to be much more outgoing but after a horrible year last year (following seceral terrible years) im practically a hermit who stays in his room all the time and despises humanity's guts. I have lost ll trust and patience with everybody in my life and my greatest desire is to just be left the hell alone for the rest of my life. This planet is full of scum.

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****, where do I even start? I don't want to characterize her gestures and mannerisms as social awkwardness, but if you want me to be honest, in general, a lot of the stuff she does is the stuff I do when I'm very uncomfortable around someone. The Carpool video was just way too relatable. It was legit like watching myself on screen it actually creeped me out. :usher:

Like, the whole moving her hands a lot, laughing when it's not really necessary, and weird facial expressions... yeah. The "Joker" smile as well. I don't have much control over my facial expressions when someone's taking pictures of me because I'm just overly insecure and scared. I'm sure those are considered traits of social anxiety somewhere, but as someone with serious social anxiety, it was kinda like looking into a mirror. Like her, I can have fun and look like I'm enjoying myself, but if anyone looks closely they can see something's a bit off about me. 

Didn't mean to go deep there, oops :lmao:

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uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


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51 minutes ago, Brisketney said:

****, where do I even start? I don't want to characterize her gestures and mannerisms as social awkwardness, but if you want me to be honest, in general, a lot of the stuff she does is the stuff I do when I'm very uncomfortable around someone. The Carpool video was just way too relatable. It was legit like watching myself on screen it actually creeped me out. :usher:

Like, the whole moving her hands a lot, laughing when it's not really necessary, and weird facial expressions... yeah. The "Joker" smile as well. I don't have much control over my facial expressions when someone's taking pictures of me because I'm just overly insecure and scared. I'm sure those are considered traits of social anxiety somewhere, but as someone with serious social anxiety, it was kinda like looking into a mirror. Like her, I can have fun and look like I'm enjoying myself, but if anyone looks closely they can see something's a bit off about me. 

Didn't mean to go deep there, oops :lmao:

Me 100% tho

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1 minute ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11:

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


Free hugs for the rest of your life:hugs:

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8 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes actually very sad!:crying2:

I know the feeling :decisions: I used to have some friends but they turned out to be fake, I tried to meet new people but I always feel like a third wheel so eventually I decided to let it go and right now my social life is non-existent :ehum: 

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15 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


I would be your friend :bgrin: :bigkiss:

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I have faced it a lot of times.I am very social when it comes friends and meeting other people but I can become extremely social anxious when it comes to jobs or uni.

It's a huge achivement that Britney lives in the spotlight and performs while she's facing social anxiety.I couldn't live for sure being a worldwide popstar.

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This is what makes her so relatable to me, and what makes me look up to her so much is her stage persona where she's so fearless, confident and eye-******* everybody in the audience KNOWING how damn good she is. I wish I could just flip a switch and turn into that like she can.

I do wonder if she is an introvert herself, like so many of us who have similar issues. Honestly at this point I've just become so cynical that I always look for the worst in people and have very little trust / faith in anyone, keeping only a small selection of people around and knowing that if those are lost, I'm done.

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