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Britney Spears' 'Glory' Debuts At No. 3 In The U.S.

Jordan Miller

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20 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:


They r pressed cause they only paying attention to Lotus when they wipe their ****!


17 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:

Sorry desperate-tina has only 4 fans left and they get yelled at for no reason! Poor them! 


AOCAOEFODNSJCUCKSNDUCISKENDHFJXN @ both of these pics :orangu2::orangu2: 

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On 8/31/2016 at 8:27 PM, lilhennythings said:

good job but some of us have bills to pay

I pay my bills too.  I'm just good with my money and have some set aside, and this was something I wanted to do to introduce friends/co-workers to Glory. ;) 

On 8/31/2016 at 7:47 PM, colormefresh said:

I just stopped at Best Buy and got another copy. When does the sales week end? Tonight? Tomorrow?

It's funny how every cashier looks at the album like "hmmmmmm" like they want it but are too scared to experience it. It's like buying a ***** or something. :quirkney:

My visit to the Fred Meyer here was pretty funny.  I walked in, and cleared the shelf.  Then I walked up to a register, put one down, handed them a 20, and then went to another register, and did the same thing. lol.  The manager was like "Wow. That's dedication."  But I convinced two employees to buy it on iTunes on their phones.  This is the first album I've done this with.  I bought 10 copies of Britney Jean, and every other album I bought 1 physical copy, and then purchased it on iTunes for my iPhone.  

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