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Early Estimates Predict Britney Spears' 'Glory' Will Debut At No. 3

Jordan Miller

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I hope it gets all it deserves :otears: Awards, charts and all are important but we are still getting one of the best albums of this year and even better it's from Britney. I wonder if charts matter to Britney? All I hope for is that she knows she gave us a good album and did the right things with this one (and I also want it to be #1 on Billboard because I know she deserves it) 

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3 doesn't bother me. 4 bothers me, but 3 doesn't. No one is going to be 1 forever. No one. Not Madonna, not Michael Jackson, not Beyoncé, no one. That doesn't mean she won't ever get another 1 album again. Also, on a slow week, the album could chart at 1 afterwards (like Anti did for Rihanna). 

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Who cares what number it is, it's a great album. Which is what I have been asking for in this way since Blackout. I've been a Britney fan long enough to honestly not care where her album places on todays music charts. Her real fans are going to buy her album at the end of the day. Not illegally stream or download.

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I'm listening again Glory RIGHT NOW and I'm in love with the album.

I don't care if it debuts at #1 or 100, it is an AMAZING album, and this era has just began. I can't wait for her to perform Invitation, Man on the Moon, Just Luv Me, Slumber Party, Change Your Mind, If I'm Dancing and Blackout. 

I so ******* love it :)

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I wonder what happened to Brit's audience between Femme Fatale and Glory ... because FF wasn't too good (for me, at least), but still got 250k opening weekend, or around that number. It'd be nice if she could pull those numbers in again, especially because Glory is legitimately a great album. Oh well, 3 is still higher than BJ :p

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1 hour ago, JChristian said:

Who cares what number it is, it's a great album. Which is what I have been asking for in this way since Blackout. I've been a Britney fan long enough to honestly not care where her album places on todays music charts. Her real fans are going to buy her album at the end of the day. Not illegally stream or download.

100% agree. I mean, I do get very happy when I hear she's super high on the charts, because as a fan you do want her to be dominate on the charts like she was in the early 2000s, but as a fan of her, not a 'music critic', I'm just happy we finally got the proper album that we've all collectively been begging for.

FF was 'okay', BJ was meh, now we finally have an album that gives you the same feeling ITZ/Blackout did. And it proves she still has it in her.

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I'm sorry if you get mad with what I'm gonna have to say but... I feel bad because what is happening with Britney's career :embarrassney: she's promoting her *** but the wrong way. Because if they knew about her performance at the VMA why they didn't prepared something monstruosly Big with 3 or 5 song of glory??? General public don't know **** about the great songs on Glory! And I'm sorry but I just hear Britney talking about her kids and her kids, she needs to do her job or just retire. I didn't hear a word talking about her new songs on glory. NONE, nothing, nada. So you want good sales??? N O.

Her best way to sell 500 copies was the Vmas and what she did? a decent performance! She have to understand that time has change and general public wants MOAR! What she's doing is not enough to them, It's crazy good to us but that public is bigger!!!!!!!!  

I did buy 1 on iTunes gift one and buy the physical copy! I'm gonna buy another on iTunes and gift another because I love the history she has made in the music industry. 

She need to stop being shy and perform like a true legend, like she used to do. she still got the fire but she needs more dancers, crazy stuff, WoW performances not just ok performances. 

Words of an 18 years true fan! 

I love her but sometimes I feel embarrassed being a Britney Stan. Guys all this new artist are killing it. I don't like Beyonce at all, I just think she's great performer but nothing original or legendary.  




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8 hours ago, PrettyGurl said:

Please guys we can't allow this amazing album to have less sales than ******* barbra streisand. Are you kidding me???


Britney is actually promoting this era, Glory deserves to be #1 :wannadie:

Your avi :feelingmyself: I can't get over we won't see it in HD, so iconic.


And Im streaming with vpn 24/7 like a mothaphucka!

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2 hours ago, Alexander17 said:

I'm sorry if you get mad with what I'm gonna have to say but... I feel bad because what is happening with Britney's career :embarrassney: she's promoting her *** but the wrong way. Because if they knew about her performance at the VMA why they didn't prepared something monstruosly Big with 3 or 5 song of glory??? General public don't know **** about the great songs on Glory! And I'm sorry but I just hear Britney talking about her kids and her kids, she needs to do her job or just retire. I didn't hear a word talking about her new songs on glory. NONE, nothing, nada. So you want good sales??? N O.

Her best way to sell 500 copies was the Vmas and what she did? a decent performance! She have to understand that time has change and general public wants MOAR! What she's doing is not enough to them, It's crazy good to us but that public is bigger!!!!!!!!  

I did buy 1 on iTunes gift one and buy the physical copy! I'm gonna buy another on iTunes and gift another because I love the history she has made in the music industry. 

She need to stop being shy and perform like a true legend, like she used to do. she still got the fire but she needs more dancers, crazy stuff, WoW performances not just ok performances. 

Words of an 18 years true fan! 

I love her but sometimes I feel embarrassed being a Britney Stan. Guys all this new artist are killing it. I don't like Beyonce at all, I just think she's great performer but nothing original or legendary.  




You are spot on! All the promo is great and fun for us, but it really isn't helping album sales for her to answer the same 5 questions about Vegas and Pokemon Go. She should be talking about the producers she's worked with, the vibes on the album, saying it's similar to ITZ, etc. to give people a reason to search for the album and listen. The VMAs were definitely a missed opportunity too. MM is a great song but there are better songs on the album to use to get people interested, and all anyone could talk about was her lip syncing on the VMAs and CK, so why would they want to go find her music after that?

TL;DR: Glory deserves to be #1, but Team Brit also needs to figure out the *right* promo to do to make that happen. Lukewarm lip synced performances and boring interviews ain't it.

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I love Britney and I bought my ONE copy. You guys...what is up with people buying 4 or 5 copies...or really just more than one?! :xcuseme:

If she was doing stellar promo, interviews, kick *** performances then I'd say maybe. But I think she needs another album to not debut at number one to realize that this lazy **** is not going to cut it anymore. Yeah it's a lot of promo for her, but this isn't even on the radar of promo her peers have when they have new albums out...Katy, Gaga, Bey, Rhi do this in their sleep.

Brit and her label take us fans for granted...assuming her gays will just gobble it up without any effort (which we do) but going broke to get someone to number one, who could seem to care less isn't helping her...or our wallets.  :boredashell:


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I am sorry guys but she and her team deserves it. Maybe if they did better promo leading up to the album release instead of starting the day before (CK) plus the VMA performance was whack and more about GEazy. They could have easily done a medley from the album but NOPE. We got a basic AF/Low budget lip sync to Make me and MM&I that is not even her freaking song? Like WTF? She only ruined her legacy with her VMA performance. Is this what we waited 9 years for? Heck BBMA was a million times better. All people can talk about is the bad lip sync, robo moves, lack of time/energy. I feel like Brit had the perfect opportunity (VMA) but she ruined it. She needs new choreographers and a new team that knows how to reach this generation of music buyers/listeners. To us fans/stans she probably does good but the public just laughs at her lack of talent. I mean she can't even lip sync right... We as fans have gotten used to her armography and half-assing and she thinks the public will buy that? Yeah good luck. She should either retire or work on improving. This era has been sooo rushed but I am thankful for another AMAZING album and all the promo they are doing. Here is hoping they get it right next time around. :-(

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4 hours ago, Alexander17 said:

I'm sorry if you get mad with what I'm gonna have to say but... I feel bad because what is happening with Britney's career :embarrassney: she's promoting her *** but the wrong way. Because if they knew about her performance at the VMA why they didn't prepared something monstruosly Big with 3 or 5 song of glory??? General public don't know **** about the great songs on Glory! And I'm sorry but I just hear Britney talking about her kids and her kids, she needs to do her job or just retire. I didn't hear a word talking about her new songs on glory. NONE, nothing, nada. So you want good sales??? N O.

Her best way to sell 500 copies was the Vmas and what she did? a decent performance! She have to understand that time has change and general public wants MOAR! What she's doing is not enough to them, It's crazy good to us but that public is bigger!!!!!!!!  

I did buy 1 on iTunes gift one and buy the physical copy! I'm gonna buy another on iTunes and gift another because I love the history she has made in the music industry. 

She need to stop being shy and perform like a true legend, like she used to do. she still got the fire but she needs more dancers, crazy stuff, WoW performances not just ok performances. 

Words of an 18 years true fan! 

I love her but sometimes I feel embarrassed being a Britney Stan. Guys all this new artist are killing it. I don't like Beyonce at all, I just think she's great performer but nothing original or legendary.  




I feel ya sista.... I agree with what you said.... 

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