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Glory is basically B10


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19 hours ago, Blackout Fan said:

Was really Pretty World a real thing or just a joke with exhalers?


2 hours ago, SomeoneGimmeBritney said:

Was there really an album called Pretty World though or was that just made up? 

Just consider that there's really no such thing as a "buzz" track. Everything is a test. If Pretty Girls charted well and people liked we would have had music like that. 

Then there was the stage set ups called Pretty World out of nowhere. 

I think Pretty World was an era planned (that crashed and burned) that was going to be like the "Circus" era with a cohesive theme. 

Larry has always defaulted to repeating past successes for Britney rather than trying something all brand new. ie. British Talkney in S&S and then again in WB. Using will.i.am for B8 just because of S&S. etc. I'm tired rn can't think

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58 minutes ago, grevan said:

And yet Love Me Down was a last minute last second recording that was just for Glory and not a PG/PW leftover 

Yeah I know I know... didn't say it was supposed to go on the scrapped project.

I just meant that there is something in B9 that reminds of PG. That's it :) maybe she just likes that type of beat and wanted to use it again

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On 8/28/2016 at 5:11 PM, Cedric said:

I am sorry but Britney Jean was an EP with a little era so it was B 7 1/2

Well it was really the Vegas residency era since that was the main focus of it. I guess the album ended up to be a bit of an afterthought. I don't hate Britney Jean, there are some songs I like, but the production is very rough and some of the songs sound like unfinished demos. The production on Glory is more polished.

On 8/28/2016 at 5:07 PM, BritintheZone said:

i kinda wanna hear the original tracks :quirkney:

Me too. I'm kinda curious.

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