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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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cause she thinks promoting it on twitter and IG is enough promo :crying1: im worried the album wont get the promo it deserves :gloria:

Ikr, the album is so great, i love it, it features amazing and unique songs it would be sad if she wouldn't perform these songs. I want a world tour so bad, and i want Brenda to perform 6 or 7 tracks of Glory on iHeart Radio and not a Medley of her old hits, Make Me and the second single. 

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Nooooo lol. Don't put that idea in to my head please. Somebody else said it reminds them of a kylie mingoue song. I don't hear vengaboys or kylie.

I hear a wonderful, unexpected mix of Britney and Brazil. I think those of us who love this song should go hard for it to be a single. I think it would blow UP.


I don't hear Kylie at all, but seriously get Vengaboys vibes. Not that it's a bad thing! LOL.

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Britney is a legend. She isn't relevant anymore. I wish she was because she deserves it but just like Madonna, she'll always be known for her prime music/days. She is transitioning just as Madonna did. It happens to every artist and it'll happen to Miley and Taylor one day too.

I think it's because she doesn't want any attetention from the press and she is scared that 2007 might happen again so she does the minimum to promote her album but she doesn't go on every talk show every week like she used because she is scared of being followed by the paparazzi again like in 2007 so she keeps herself low key . If she wanted to be like madonna she would of make it happen but it's her personal choice to be less relevant.But I really wish to have another era like 2001-2004 brintey .

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Can we post If I'm Dancing twitter videos on here? Like I want to respect that some people haven't heard the song yet so I'm just wondering, but there are some really funny ones I AM DYING from and want to show ya'll... Hmm maybe I'll wait till 26 to share them idk :myjam:

Has anyone seen the Mariah one or the Wendy one? I DIED :lanacackle:

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Thank you!!


It has taken me a long time to get to where I can even talk about it. My son is now 5 and it started when he was about 6 months old. Everything just sort of crumbled at once.


I don't know what you are going through, but just know someone out there cares and is thinking about you. There is always hope at the end of the tunnel. It may take you a while to find it, but when you do you'll come out and be this whole other incredible and amazing person. Nothing bothers me now. I have become fearless at whatever life throws at me because I KNOW I can handle it ... even if it's just one day at a time ... hell even 1 hour at a time.

this thread is making me so emotional :crying2: Good for all of you strong fighters, keep it up, and know that everything will be okay!! :crying1:  ;) 


I can't imagine the stress of having a kid. That alone is something I would never be able to handle.

no, it's a lot. My BF and I are in what most psychiatric professionals would deem as a "toxic" relationship with all the red flags attached :(  But we have known each other for eight years so it's very hard, and our dog just got diagnosed with cancer so he's doing chemo. This dog (a yorkie) he's pretty much been my rock and my best friend through this entire relationship, so I'm pretty depressed. My BF is even more depressed - he's had this yorkie for 14 years.

i moved away from my friends and family, I am embarrassed that I live in the middle of nowhere with someone who is mean to me and I'm not really encouraged to make new friends (bf is controlling as f) so I am very lonely when we aren't hanging out. 

Plus he's trying to get off his psychiatric meds because he thinks they're making his brain worse. It's fun!

anyway I know I will get through things somehow. Dont know how, but I'm not as weak as my situation would lead people to believe. I just don't know how to handle it yet.

girl get out of that relationship, it's toxic! It will be like ripping off a bandaid, it'll hurt a lot at first, but you gotta do it all at once otherwise it will all be just slow and even more painful!!! 

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Hopefully Slumber Party <3



I live for Slumber Party, Just Love Me,  Liar,

I know this won't be a single most likely but I LOVE "What you Need"

Britney's vocals and the music take me to church hunni.



Slumber Party should definitely be the next single 


flawless taste I see :drinky:


we're all here for Slumber Party tbh :myjam:

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