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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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you better buy 2 digital copies then :lessons: 

Already pre ordered on itunes.

will get physical copy too but after a week :gloria:

Glorys first week WW sales wont include turkey's sales so unfair. I bet beyonce paid them to cause some trouble at borders:xcuseme:

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It's available in Taiwan too!!! I pre-ordered Glory on both Taiwanese and US Itunes and I got email inform me that my pre-ordered Glory is available to download on Taiwanese Itunes!!! I just downloaded!!! YES!!!


Also waiting for downloading it tomorrow on US Itunes when it's available !!!

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I can't imagine the stress of having a kid. That alone is something I would never be able to handle.

no, it's a lot. My BF and I are in what most psychiatric professionals would deem as a "toxic" relationship with all the red flags attached :(  But we have known each other for eight years so it's very hard, and our dog just got diagnosed with cancer so he's doing chemo. This dog (a yorkie) he's pretty much been my rock and my best friend through this entire relationship, so I'm pretty depressed. My BF is even more depressed - he's had this yorkie for 14 years.

i moved away from my friends and family, I am embarrassed that I live in the middle of nowhere with someone who is mean to me and I'm not really encouraged to make new friends (bf is controlling as f) so I am very lonely when we aren't hanging out. 

Plus he's trying to get off his psychiatric meds because he thinks they're making his brain worse. It's fun!

anyway I know I will get through things somehow. Dont know how, but I'm not as weak as my situation would lead people to believe. I just don't know how to handle it yet.


Ouch.  Yeah it's hard when you've known someone that long.


I'd say consider going back home or just starting over completely without him. New place, new life, new dog. I imagine you are young, so it's a perfect time to start over. Don't be scared - life always turns out better than you think it will.


I have two children now. I had done better, but the second one sort of broke me down again. I'm doing good though. She is 3 and I love my kids to death. They helped me keep going

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It is my opinion, so what? I love Blackout but ITZ is better. Circus, FF and BJ are not worthy for me.


I am not saying it is her best song since ever. I am saying it is best since GM.



Womanizer - boring

Unusual you - beautiful

Circus - forgettable

If you seek amy - -

Hold it against me - this song is horrible TBH

I wanna go - such a summer hit / yes, but it was a hit of a summer and that's it.

Criminal - very different Britney sound and theme /ok. does it prove it is worse than invitation?

Inside out - overrated, but nice.

Alien - bad edition and I care

Hold on tight - listen to it like once in my life.




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