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The Worst Part About This Britney Biopic


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Lifetime movies are the shittiest things. I don't know why they continue to make them, because they can very much see what the public thinks of them. And if Britney doesn't want to be involved, then it's gonna be even more ****:tiffeyeroll:

When Britney want's her life to be made into a movie, she will take that action. It's completely rude just to make one about someone without their approval if they're still alive. Seriously hope Britney and her team can shut it right the **** down:qtbrit:

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I know and alot of things will not be fact it will be based on rumour and what 'representatives' have told them. I really do hope she tells her side of the story one day no boundaries, no holding back. It would be a pretty interesting read considering Britney is one big mystery

I think she will write it when shes like 50/60, it would be such a interesting read

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It won't be the true story. :mj: It'll be based on second-hand reports, paparazzi footage and rumors published in 2007 rags.

I could deal with the pretty actress who doesn't look like Britney. I could deal with it being a shitty Lifetime movie... Hell, I could probably even deal with Britney being against it. But only if it was ACCURATE. :lessons:

The fact that it will be trash due to being based on trash only makes me angrier for Britney. She needs to shut this down, and we need to boycott this ****. :nyschool: Petitions won't work, just look at the Whitney and Aaliyah fanbases for that. But we can simply just not watch it. :bigtime: Let Team Britney deal with Lifetime. They'll hopefully shut this down before it gets any further. Either that, or us fans can storm the set and vandalize it in the middle of the night and halt the production. :hype: 

I admit I have a pretty good bull*hit detector and this movie just sounds like a load. I think it's just a "clever" way of bringing up the painful past even if they're trying to paint it as a "She rises, she falls and rises again!" story. I know how the deal is and realize that Britney's past will never stay buried. She could be 50 years old and the media will still bring up the painful **** that's best forgotten or should've been moved on from a long time ago.

I see it as a blood sport how certain celebrities are treated. "She's just doing too well. Let's try to knock her off her pedestal again!" Not even talking Britney the entertainer here, I admire Britney the person for still being around. Putting myself in her shoes during her really rough time, I really don't think I would've been able to make it. She's a damn strong person and hopefully nobody/nothing will be able to take that away from her.

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I admit I have a pretty good bull*hit detector and this movie just sounds like a load. I think it's just a "clever" way of bringing up the painful past even if they're trying to paint it as a "She rises, she falls and rises again!" story. I know how the deal is and realize that Britney's past will never stay buried. She could be 50 years old and the media will still bring up the painful **** that's best forgotten or should've been moved on from a long time ago.

I see it as a blood sport how certain celebrities are treated. "She's just doing too well. Let's try to knock her off her pedestal again!" Not even talking Britney the entertainer here, I admire Britney the person for still being around. Putting myself in her shoes during her really rough time, I really don't think I would've been able to make it. She's a damn strong person and hopefully nobody/nothing will be able to take that away from her.


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It's obvious that they are angling for controversy over her fall - like they will show her doing *****, drinking heavily, having promiscuous *** with everyone, etc. then end with a Hallmark-like reunion with her family, etc.

Exactly. And the things she was going through was bad enough, they'll make it look even worse. That's the treatment I'm used to when it concerns these types of movies. I like another singer and a movie was made about his life, focused a lot on his hard times. To be fair, Britney at least had a couple of advantages over him. His career kept falling while Britney's career isn't. He had passed away by the time his movie was made so it's not like he had the power to shut it down before the project took off. :(

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