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This guy has such a **** taste in music and all he does is cut people down. Any unbiased person would say Glory is made with quality, and it has gotten almost nothing but great reviews by people who aren't Britney fans who took the time to listen since it leaked:cigney:

Britney should be the one being praised, not Selena, who is a carbon copy of her just as most pop artists are now. He's just a bandwagoning **** that has such a non-existent 2 dimensional personality that he matches his opinion with the ignorant GP so he can stay "relevant". I can't wait until this thunder thighed ***** gets ditched by the GP for good:arianabye:


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1 hour ago, Kiiddy said:

He thinks Selena Gomez is the new Princess of Pop because she did one album that was mid-tempo.

So lets get real, as if his opinion even exists let alone matters.

This guy is a mockery to journalism. He is the most uneducated, ignorant, confused and simple-minded blogger
on music I have ever had to encounter. He has no business speaking about music, trends and all that **** when
he doesn't even know the basics of history within music and who trends what and what an actual TREND even is and means. 

He's the biggest mess in the industry and anyone still reading his site is even more lost than he is.
He alone has single-handily confused the entire new generation of kids/teens growing up with his illogical statements
on popular music and culture. When you really think about it, his comments and thoughts on music are quite literally
a corrupted disease to society and I feel sorry for him because he knows Glory is everything Selena could never dream of even releasing. 

Deal with it Perez, deal with it.


Love you and your flawless posts :gobaby:



Don't worry, I saw him hiking the other day and people were like actively booing at him, it was great :riha:

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Ew. He helped spread the Make me video leak that, imo, forced the song to be released ahead of schedule. Someone, please reply with "Well considering your opinion of Blackout, that must mean Glory is a masterpiece on its level" or something a bit blunter pointing out his wrong opinions. 

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