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Hey alllll, maybe this isn't the right place to ask, but figured some of y'all may have some insight. I was re-watching For The Record for the millionth time :crying1: the other day and totally forgot about that scene where Britney says she would love to write a book about what's happened in her life. That led me to think that somebody out there has to have written a good book about her and her troubles. Has anyone out there read a good Brit book? Found a few on Amazon but I don't wanna end up buying some ratchet book somebody wrote in their parent's basement using Wikipedia as their primary source. :notatall:

Also, I never read Through The Storm by Momma Lynne because I was afraid it would turn out to be a cash grab that doesn't address any of Brit's actual troubles. Anyone here read that? What'd you think of it? 

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through the storm is good. she talks about britney a lot but its also an autobiography in that she tells mostly a lot of stories about herself and her other kids... if i recall correctly anyway, i havent read it in a long time. it never read to me like a tell-all or like she was selling britney out in any way, there's also nice pics in it.

theres also britney: inside the dream, which is really interesting and the author talked to a lot of people that know/worked with britney. that one focuses a lot on her breakdown and what could have started it. but you still have to take it with a grain of salt since hes not actually in her inner circle and i think at one point he says toxic is from blackout lol


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She wrote a book with her mom a long time ago called, "A Mother's Gift," but it was just a fictional story. I did a book report on it for school in like fifth grade. Is that what it was called? I swear this existed at one point...


i would love to read some non-fiction Brit though. I love to read!!!!  I will be picking these up right along with you, OP :myjam:

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14 hours ago, SomeoneGimmeBritney said:

Britney Spears' Heart to Heart

Plus I have some unofficial biography and sticker/postcard books from 1999/2000. I've also got the Crossroads diary. 

YAAAASSS!!!! I read Heart to Heart back in the day and I still have my Crossroads diary!! :yay:

Thanks for the recommendations everyone! :plzney:

14 hours ago, SomeoneGimmeBritney said:

BS: Little Girl Lost

I found that BS: Little Girl Lost one on Amazon. It seems to paint Lynn and Jaime in a really bad light though, but def sounds interesting. I might start with that one and Through The Storm, I'm sure it'd be interesting to read two different perspective of Lynn back to back. :yesokay:

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