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Britney should do a controversial MV


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I was hearing "Just Luv Me" and imagine this, 

Britney is seen as a shy, meek, woman at a party, she is caught looking at a specific guy. He walks over to her and the two start talking, and he sort of seduces her to eventually end up in a room upstairs making out and doing god knows what. 


We then seen a continuation of their crazy romance in different moments. 

We then see Britney arriving at her workplace, hair up, glasses, very nerdy as before. 

She walks over to her managers office. Knocks slightly. 

We see a screaming brunette, being super rude to her. Britney puts one arm on her waist, and throws a folder of photos to her and says "I Quit *****" and walks off, slamming the door, the sign on the door reads "Jessica" and slightly moves at the slam.


We see the manager Jessica shocked as she looks through the folders and sees pictures of Britney and her husband making out, kissing, having dinners and all sorts of things". Her eyes widen as she reaches for her phone and dials up a contact "Justin" screaming through the phone.

Britney is seen walking on the side walk, smirk on her face as she ditches the glasses, lets down her hair and unbuttons her blouse to reveal something ****. A hot model guy (better looking than Justin) in a convertible swings by and picks her up, the two kiss and they start driving off. Britney looks down at her phone, 5 missed-calls from Justin, then a text comes in "you crazy *****! what have you done!" to which she replies "theres just no chance for you and me, there'll never be. and don't it make you sad about it? xoxo Brit" and hits the block button on his contact. 


"Who was that Brit?" says the model guy next to her driving.

"Just an old friend that I needed to tie up some loosed ends" 

and the two drive off. 


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2 minutes ago, MANDIXMX said:


A planned controversy sistren

Mhmmmm :drinky: I'm all here for it, but doubt it would happen! I feel like the videos are going to have slaying choreography, great looks, and hopefully great storylines or scenes, but given what happened to the Make Me video, I think our videos are going to be tamer this era. Given the leaks from the original Make Me video that we've seen, there was plenty of controversy within them.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Britney's best album in years coming out in two weeks. I'm ready for the music to slay my existence

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