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Unpopular Opinion but....

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Am I the only person that doesn't exactly feel bad for Team B, Britney included? The reason the video is getting so much backlash, from fans and people involved on the song, is because its a bad, rushed video. They shouldn't have hyped the other video, yet alone allowed interviews to take place on set. As Britney fans, we have put up with too much, and it got worse for years, with dwindling promo each year, we even got an album that Britney didn't sing on.....

...so how can dancers, team B and Britney be shocked that we're annoyed that we got a dance song about ***, but a video....that features no dancing, and scene where they stand around a tv dancing to a fitness advert?

When it comes down to it, we can't excuse this. No one is saying Britney is a bad person, but we can't defend her or Team B, and we shouldn't have to apologize either. The video is bad, she looks incredible, but its a bad video. Even if the video was scrapped due to creative differences, we could've got a dance only video with Charm's choreography that would've sufficed. That's why we get this, because they got away with it. 

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I don't feel necessarily feel bad for them because of the backlash from fans saying that the video "was a disappointment" and that they "hate it" because it really was bad and they need to know that. Team Britney and her dancers are really delusional if they think we're going to kiss their ***** for every little thing they do. They promised us something completely different from the final product.

What I don't approve of are these lame *** "fans" who say they're going to cancel their preorder, leave her and her trash music...******* pathetic. It's one music video, it's not going to ruin her career. Just because they made a mistake doesn't mean we abandon them.

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You're never the only one thinking whatever you're thinking, obviously :drinky: With that said, I don't feel bad for them because they need to know we're not happy about the video and that it's a bad product. HOWEVER, I don't approve of the fans cancelling pre-orders and trash her in the process. 

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