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FINALLY ANSWERS: Brits team scrapped the video because..


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ok and WB made any sense? it was random af and still slayed lifes! way to put the blame on David! they knew what they were getting into. an expensive video has meetings, storyboards and Britney always watches the playbacks. if they didn't like it they should have figured out BEFORE filming it. now we are all disappointed with a watered down mess of an ad i mean music video. 



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2 hours ago, sin said:

This just keep getting worse and worse! :sickofu:

The only problem I see in the first one, is that the G-Eazy part looks like he's raping Britney.
Maybe they hate that part and ask David to take it off, he refused, so they need to make another video with another director.

That's the only explanation I could understand.

I thought the same thing! It looks like how most tv shows show **** flashbacks...yikes.

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2 hours ago, -ididitagain- said:

damage control, trying to place the blame on david i see. :queenflopga: as if they didn't know the premise of the video beforehand. why was it only disjointed and pointless after the fact?

:sickofu: and imagine if RCA will put the bucks for a video again (to be scrapped later on):thetea:

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When the leaks were coming out, the people who watched the original one did say it didn't really make sense, but then if team Britney thought it was disjointed, wouldn't they have realised that before shooting? Don't they have storyboards etc? They could have reworked the concept before shooting it, unless David Lachapelle didn't want to change it at all, which is a possibility. Hm it's a very odd situation. 

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2 hours ago, WootsWow said:

And the irony is that they teased the video everywhere

1. photos on instagram (video shoot, male model selfie)

2. dance rehearsal video

3. jimmy kimmel (with outfit/look and dance from video)


They don't correlate to the official video at all. Why would you still use these thing for promotional effort if you're disagree with the video direction. Don't even try to blame David there. SMH.:madonna:

 She teased it on instagram stories tho :shadelaugh:

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Guest Nick Jonas
24 minutes ago, agirlnamedlucky said:

I thought the same thing! It looks like how most tv shows show **** flashbacks...yikes.

But that's the only part they kept in the new video? :xcuseme:

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