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It's a marketing ploy!


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7 minutes ago, Shadow. said:

If this was a marketing ploy, we wouldnt need to sign a petition. Stop being delusional, Britney wasted everyones time, David got pissed because knowing Britney she probably only told him how she felt last minute and he decided to withdraw himself from the project. End of story. 

Actually all they need is one in general with some signatures to say that's the reason they released it even though it was there plan all along...

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Just now, dasho said:

no. they are not going to release the original video. and if what youre saying is this is a marketing, then they are not doing it right since i see a lot of people cancelling their pre-orders after they watched the video.

So?  They could easily reorder...:hype:  I'm so excited!

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4 minutes ago, CrazyHazyBayBeh said:

Ummm as far as fan support for a single goes, a petition is as good as it gets. It generates controversy and attention. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't not make it not so. Sure, her team is using you, but you're letting them.

The delusion is cute tbh

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