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Do you feel like this is the end of her career?


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- Britney was never a sleeper-hit artist, her only shots are during release week to say the least. She´s not promoting, not selling, streams are down the toilet.

- If the video drops and it´s not the original cut leaked weeks ago (which is looking more likely to happen every day), not only will fans be devastated but also boycott future singles just like what happened to Perfume back in 2013. Plus by the time it does premiere it won´t help much other generate video streams, which is what made Work ***** peak at #12 at the Hot 100 as well.

- She stays at her house all day googling random stuff to post on her insta, meanwhile Katy Perry beats her with a theme-song.

- Her engagement during promo interviews (so far only for Australian radio?????? (no shade but things need to pick up in the US before going global) revolves around her answering five-year-old questions such as "what´s your favorite color" or "who would you rather".

- By the time the album drops, you know nothing´s going to change :cigney:


I can say I was very hopeful at first, but right now I just truly believe she is happy to just cook dinner for her kids and manage her own instagram account. No wonder she´s investing way more in promoting her perfumes and lingerie lines rather than her music, it´s like she wants to distance herself from being a popstar more and more and become an entrepreneur instead.



PS: we desperately need a Max Martin-produced smash, why is she still bothering giving these new up-and-coming artists a chance in the first place? UGHHH

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She's been in the top 25 on radio for the past couple weeks with more spins added everyday and she's barely began promo and the video hasn't come out yet. The song is very radio friendly and has big hit potential, and her Kimmel appearance plus the video will hopefully give the song a boost.

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2 minutes ago, 3Pney said:

its so clear that if this era fails, she will lose it big time!

she will be just a local act like xtina. nobody can deny it. GP already forgot about her. its just fans and some people who are into pop music... thats it. 

it saddens me to say but you're 100% right 109232-pray-for-b9.gif 109232-pray-for-b9.gif

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I hate to tell you but before 2007 her biggest hits did not peak the week of their release and actually neither did IWG 


I think people need to realize that after being in the biz for 18 years and all of the **** she's had to go through that Britney is over the industry and only releases music now because she likes making it and giving it to her fans. She's not looking to top the charts or be the hottest thing and she's fully aware that the older she gets the harder that will be anyways so she's like **** it. I think eventually she'll become like Barbara Streisand who just releases albums for her fans without any promo at all every once in awhile.   


Also people are being dramatic about MM, it's one of if not her biggest radio hit in the US and managed to debut in the top 20 with zero promo......it's far from a flop and it has only been out for 2 weeks and now that some pomo has started and the video is bound to come out soon the song will stabilize on the chart and have longevity 

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No, not at all. Her career is solid as a rock, she's worth over 200 million usd according to networth. That's twice as much compared to 2006.

She may not be in the headlines or on the red carpet as much but who cares as long as she's happy doing what the hell she wants.




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