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Found 5 results

  1. Not good! After Monday’s post Britney is loosing hundreds of thousands of followers. Her IG is back under 42 mili. if she doesn’t apologize soon - the PR damage will be a slaughter. Celebrities are already distancing themselves from her. She could easily slip into Latoya Jackson territory.
  2. When you look at this video, its obvious that she had her nose done but it still looks different than her nose nowadays...Its still more bubbly here, less pointy. Did she get another nosejob later or something?
  3. When her natural skin tone is so beautiful? blackoutney with that black hair looked beautiful, it suited her pale skin and made it brighter! Now she has very blonde hair but very tanned skin. I’m not complaining and I don’t think it’s something that bothers me too much, it’s just that the sun is so harmful for the skin, and she always looks beautiful without a tan you know. tanned skin looks very good in some, without a doubt, but I just think Britney looks more natural with her real skin tone.
  4. I just googled Britney 2012 and I forgot that she looked sooo messy all the time around that time: https://www.google.de/search?q=britney+2012&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjskt68iLjcAhUS6KQKHfRVC-kQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=624#imgdii=5jWJ2OBbHhGQpM:&imgrc=AwAjXqDSMQ2wgM: But what's so surprising to me... how did she look like this only 1 year later. That was literally a new peak for the new era: She is a mystery
  5. I noticed that he is following all the big musician celebrities on Instagram. Even musicians he has never worked with before. And now it has come to my attention that he unfollowed Britney?. Britney essentially put him on the map by giving him airtime in her music videos and allowed him to be dance captain on her Vegas mega shows. Like, Britney single-handely created a career for this dude with a lot of exposure and opportunities. Anybody knows What happened? Did they had a fall out or something?
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