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Found 8 results

  1. La esperada gira de OV7 para celebrar 30 años de carrera, que se ha venido posponiendo desde el 2020, finalmente dará inicio este 1 de septiembre en Monterrey. Hace unas semanas, los OV7 se presentaron en La Academia, su primera actuación televisada estando los siete juntos desde su separación en 2003. Anteriormente, se habían presentado en diciembre de 2020 para un especial navideño, pero en ese entonces Óscar no pudo estar presente debido a la pandemia. Este fin de semana pasado, OV7 recibió un premio a su trayectoria en los Kids Choice Awards México
  2. La gira de OV7 en honor a su 30 aniversario, había sido anunciada y prevista para comenzar en 2020, pero se pospuso debido a la pandemia. Más adelante, por diversos desacuerdos internos, e incluso una posible separación del grupo, las fechas siguieron sin anunciarse, e incluso el dinero de las primeras fechas seguía sin ser devuelto a los fans que ya habían comprado su boleto y seguían sin tener resolución. Hace unas semanas sin embargo, Ari Borovoy, Mariana Ochoa y otros de los integrantes fueron confirmando de manera independiente que la gira sí seguía en pie, con un comienzo tentativo para Septiembre de este año, luego de que se anunciara a la compañía OCESA como el nuevo management team del grupo. Finalmente el día de hoy se ha dado conocer un comunicado con las primeras fechas de la gira: Monterrey, CDMX, Acapulco, Guadalajara entre otras, abarcando desde el 01 de septiembre hasta el 26 de noviembre. Érika Zaba compartió imágenes de los ensayos, en las que no aparece Kalimba, siendo la primera vez que los vemos reunidos desde su última presentación en vivo en 2020.
  3. próximamente OV7, antes Onda Vaselina ha lanzado 12 álbumes de estudio: La Onda Vaselina (1989) La Onda Vaselina 2 (1991) Dulces Para Ti (1992) La Banda Rock (1993) Hoy (1995) Entrega Total (1997) Vuela Más Alto (1998) CD00 (2000) 7 Latidos (2001) Punto (2003) fOreVer7 (2012) A Tu Lado (2013) Spotify
  4. A través de su Instagram, Ari Borovoy, creador de la exitosa gira 90's Pop Tour, ha compartido un post revelando su siguiente proyecto, el 2000's Pop Tour. Sin anunciar aún a sus integrantes, suponemos que contará con la colaboración de varios exponentes de la música pop de la década de los 2000's, así como su predecesor de los 90's, la pregunta es si OV7 finalmente se reconciliará y formará parte de esta gira, ya que actualmente no es parte de la cuarta etapa del 90's Pop Tour, ni se han anunciado fechas para su gira del 30 aniversario que quedó en pausa a raíz de la pandemia. ¿Qué artistas creen que conformarán el elenco? Ha-Ash, Reik, Belinda, RBD, La Quinta Estación, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Belanova, Playa Limbo, Kudai, las posibilidades son muchas. Si Ana Torroja está en el 90's con sus canciones de Mecano, no veo por qué artistas de los noventas que también continuaron cantando en los 2000's no podrían formar parte de este elenco, como OV7 o Fey o Julieta Venegas se vale soñar... @Midnight @Adriannn
  5. OV7 is a Mexican pop band that started since the late 80's when they were kids, and ruled the pop scene in the 90's and early 00's until they disbanded in 2003. They came back in 2010, and have had moderate success, mostly in concert tickets rather than sales. Not all of the members were part of this comeback though, with the 7 member having only reunited at special occasions, but they announced that for this year, the 7 members would join for the tour to celebrate their 30th anniversary (though they're actually on their 31st year already). However, due to the pandemic, the tour has been postponed for next year, but in the meantime they offered a one of a kind online concert last night. The concert was made in a more acoustic vibe, as opposed to their more uptempo, heavily choreographed shows they usually do. They performed fan-favorite songs they rarely get to perform, and excluded most of their signature hits that always make it to their setlists, like Mírame a los Ojos, Shabadabadá and Vuela Más Alto, among others. If you like a more chilled, relaxed kind of pop music, make sure to give it a try, even if you don't speak Spanish lol That's the best quality I could find, the audio it's a bit out of sync in some parts...
  6. Most of you might be unfamiliar with this group, but believe it or not they were once one of the most successful groups in the music scene in Mexico. They started since they were kids at the end of the 80's as "La Onda Vaselina" then changed it to simply "Onda Vaselina" in the mid 90's until in 2000 they had a complete change, renaming the band as OV7. This last change came after they decided to drop her former manager and creator of the group, Mexican actress Julissa, in one of the most controversial events of Mexican pop history, since many people saw it as a betrayal. Thing is they were seeking for independence and control over the group's direction, but Julissa wouldn't allow it, so they all told her they were quitting, while in complicity with the record label reformed as a new group, OV7. They then went on to release CD 00 in 2000, their most successful album and one of the best selling records in Mexico according to AMPROFON. The group disbanded in 2003, right when they were about to record their first album in English. They came back in 2010 with just 6 members, then they were 5, sometimes 7 again lol Last year, it was the 30th anniversary of the formation of the group, but they didn't celebrate it properly because they were still part of the joint tour 90's Pop Tour, which was very successful and lasted almost 3 years, and also because one of the members had a baby, so they decided to celebrate it with a tour this year. However, coronavirus happened, so it had to be postponed. The tour is now supposed to start in late August, but we'll have to wait and see how is the situation going by then. Meanwhile, they released a music video made from home for Al Ritmo de la Vida, a 20 year old track that came out in that album I mentioned, which is really cool and unexpected considering it wasn't released as a single back then. They had already released another video during this quarantine
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