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Britney shows her new haircut on Instagram reel: Cut all my hair off and I think Iā€™m going shorter šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ !!!


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11 hours ago, RC2 said:


I want her to do a clean shave/buzz cut by a professional hairstylist so her natural hair get back to being full healthy organicallyĀ 

Ehm. NO. That is the absolute worst advice.

Can you imagine the headlines ??? "Oops...she did it again, Britney shaves her head again after 17 years. Family and friends worry she is not taking her medication and fear she might DIE. Another Conservatorship might be the only solution"Ā 


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Beautiful as always. We know its a matter of days she will be 2016ney long again.

I wonder if she ever feels the need to go all natural with her hair and remove extensions. I mean everyday women still are obsessed with their hair and they connect with their power, but they are natural, just playing with their hairstyle and color. I really wonder how celebrities have bad hair.

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