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Britney posts a new story on Instagram about the paparazzi pictures: I hardly go outside 'cause I know what they do


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6 minutes ago, Johanpapz said:

Yeah sure! Then what about Xtina and the other girls who use Ozempic? To make women feel like you have to be skinny like a needle to be a **** powerful woman? What about the Kardashian who taught to so many young girls that they need to have big b *tts and big lips???

Britney is insecure with her own body which is normal, considering all the nasty things they said about her body since she's 17 and still to these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's about her own body, it has nothing to do with the other women!!!

I can’t articulate why, but it doesn’t feel like a fair comparison to the way Britney talks about weight and body image. 

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1 minute ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

You’re literally horrible what do you want me to do be like gutterpuppy and agree with every conspiracy oh yeah these photos are doctored. What problem specifically do you have with what I said? 
yeah her sister can experience trauma too she’s human. 
Speak specifically what your problem is. This is not a cult where everyone has to have the same opinion. God Britney fans are different than Madonna fans let’s just say that 

Knowing how her sister is, Britney is the lesser of two evils. 

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9 minutes ago, Mutya said:

Excuse me? Paparazzi and media outlets are posting heavily edited photos of her, and you expect her to stay silent? Yes, by addressing it, she's bringing more attention to the pictures, but she has the right to expose and discuss what she continues to endure with the media and paparazzi. She can finally speak freely, so let her say whatever she wants!

Are you freaking kidding me. You want to ban me. Look at you you freaking conspiracy theorist.


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2 minutes ago, humstarr said:

I can feel this is gonna turn into a 7 page thread with mostly people fighting with each other :inbed_ahs_hotel_sarah_paulson_grin_smirk_cackle_bed_reading_phone:

It's like living a life in a small remote village. 

You can thank the trolls! I won't cause without them the world would be so much better! They are only where people don't want them! They don't make anybody smile or happy! They just give negative vibes on internet and in their real pathetic lives! Nobody want to be near to them! EW!

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9 minutes ago, Gutterguppy said:

No. And it's nuts how you claim she's overreacting when she's been ridiculed for her looks since the age of 16 years old. It's not something you can flip on and off like a switch. Some of you truly have no empathy at all. 

I do have empathy for her. I just don’t agree with her viewpoint in this situation, however I always believe my opinion isn’t the ONLY right one and am open to being wrong. Who knows, maybe they did edit the pics? They might not have though, but it’s funny that some people won’t even consider that possibility! Some people on here think if Britney says it, then it must be the absolute truth! 

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3 minutes ago, Gutterguppy said:

Your comments are literally disgusting and demeaning. Britney's been able to maintain a fit figure without the help of her ex-husband or any man for years and years. 

Dude Sam and Paul have very different lifestyles and aesthetics. Paul has a very different lifestyle that rubs off on Britney how is that not understandable. I feel like im in the twilight zone 

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7 minutes ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

You’re literally horrible what do you want me to do be like gutterpuppy and agree with every conspiracy oh yeah these photos are doctored. What problem specifically do you have with what I said? 
yeah her sister can experience trauma too she’s human. 
Speak specifically what your problem is. This is not a cult where everyone has to have the same opinion. God Britney fans are different than Madonna fans let’s just say that 

Oh, because questioning the integrity of paparazzi and media automatically means agreeing with every conspiracy theory, right? The issue is dismissing Britney's valid concerns about photo editing. It's not about agreeing with everything; it's about acknowledging that media manipulation happens. And sure, her sister can experience trauma too, but that doesn't invalidate Britney's right to speak out. This isn't about cult-like agreement; it's about recognizing a history of media exploitation and validating her opinions and what she has to say. 

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3 minutes ago, Mutya said:

Oh, because you were there the day the pictures were taken, right? And you know Britney's body better than she does, right? :yaknow_britney_xfactor_X_factor_talk_tell_chat_you_know:

Ok your comments are concerning. I’m being serious like are you genuinely ok? I’m not sure if you have paranoia in general or specifically about Britney but please. I’m not sure how to offer help here can someone help him or her

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1 minute ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

Dude Sam and Paul have very different lifestyles and aesthetics. Paul has a very different lifestyle that rubs off on Britney how is that not understandable. I feel like im in the twilight zone 

What is your point? Kevin, who was a former dancer I might add, was a slob and smoked ganja all day and look where he's at now? The men she chooses to hang out have no bearing on her activities. God, get lost. 

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5 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

I can’t articulate why, but it doesn’t feel like a fair comparison to the way Britney talks about weight and body image. 

Yeah you are right! Xtina and the Kardashians did 100 times more damages on little girls and women than Britney! They risked their lives so they can have bigger l *ps and bigger b * utt! I never heard someone say, on another hands, I FEEL SO BAD IN MY BODY BECAUSE OF BRITNEY SPEARS...

You are so wrong on this one, just admit it! You just hate Britney obviously and want to put the blame on her for everything! JUST LIKE TMZ!

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6 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

She has also accused Paps of editing her teeth. She really doesn't accept the way she looks.

I totally forgot about that too, she said something about them editing her teeth in order to try to get her to go to the dentist? I don’t know if it was that one, but there was another time as well when the paps actually spoke back against her accusations. 

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Just now, Gutterguppy said:

What is your point? Kevin, who was a former dancer I might add, was a slob and smoked ganja all day and look where he's at now? The men she chooses to hang out have no bearing on her activities. God, get lost. 

This is such a lost comment it’s infuriating. Are you being serious???—————

The men in her life have no bearing on her activities!??!?

Please can someone help. I can’t comprehend how someone can think like this. 

Oh my freaking god 

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18 minutes ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

It would be exhausting being her sister. Listening to her complain all day. Like you’re a popstar go be it.

not everything is a conspiracy. There are cameras and they take photos. A lot of people look bad in like direct sunlight yeah it shows everything. This is not a studio with good, blending lighting 

since u got with paul and rejected Sam’s help yeah your body is changing. That is ok!! But it’s not anyone’s fault. Gyrating will move your body but if you like really wanna burn fat u need to go deeper than bouncing around and riding a horse like go workout hard. 

this is your JUDAS TRASH LYNNE




Remind me what she did in her last tv show? COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING COMPLAINING CRYING AND THEN QUIT because boo hoo it was too haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!

So believe me, if in this sisters duo they have on annoying pathetic person like you, it's def not Britney!!!

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2 minutes ago, Johanpapz said:

Yeah you are right! Xtina and the Kardashians did 100 times more damages on little girls and women than Britney! They risked their lives so they can have bigger l *ps and bigger b * utt! I never heard someone say, on another hands, I FEEL SO BAD IN MY BODY BECAUSE OF BRITNEY SPEARS...

You are so wrong on this one, just admit it! You just hate Britney obviously and want to put the blame on her for everything! JUST LIKE TMZ!

I can’t put it into words, but I don’t think it’s a direct comparison. I don’t think I’m wrong, it’s just how I feel and what I believe, but yes sure, I might be wrong about them editing the pics. It’s hard to prove either way unless someone gets hold of the originals. 

And I don’t hate Britney, I just don’t worship everything she says and does. She’s not immune from criticism, just like any of us. 

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14 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

Ok fair enough.

What do you think about the body double claim she made, do you think that’s happening also? 


Oh, she might have been trolling about the body double, so we should ignore everything else? Just because she was ironic once doesn't mean her concerns about photo editing aren't valid. Let's not dismiss her perspective.

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