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Breaking news: Justin Timberlake arrested in New York for DWI

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14 minutes ago, Style. said:

I’m honestly surprised he did this stupid thing, but maybe something’s going on with his marriage. I never followed him closely, but he seems unstable and depressed. I’m pretty sure an artist like him doesn’t care about one album not being a success, let’s be real.… :mhmsureny_hmm_thinking_ponder_unsure_what_Tiffany_pollard_ny_New_York_miss_ms_sure:


Omg that aged like milk 

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3 hours ago, Gypsy Woman said:

Kind of like how the other users said I was derailing the post by talking about Britney when I wasn't even if the first one to bring her up? But that didn't stop you from jumping on the bandwagon right?

Sounds like you and others are the ones that flipped things around...I mean you do you though.

Can you stop bringing up Britney? This is a JT thread and they broke up in 2002…get with the times 😝

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5 hours ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

You’re harping on something that happened decades ago. An action that helped place her in a controlling conservatorship for most of her life. She paid the price for her actions. Someone who drinks and drives typically has done it before. Let’s stop comparing just bc you’re hellbent on bringing Britney’s own mistakes into everything. 

this times a thousand. what does Britney's past mistakes have to do with situation at all? and like you said, she has already paid for whatever mistakes she made in the past. there really is no (fair) comparison to be made here, and even if there was, the media back then literally scrutinized her for everything she did way worse than anything JT has ever or will ever experience. the only thing that might be worth a comparison is the ***ism that has been present in the way the media writes and talks about women vs. men since forever. a DUI is absolutely inexcusable and way worse than anything Britney has ever done. i understand that this is a britney spears forum, but the way some people manage to drag her into something that has absolutely nothing to do with her is astonishing. ***ism is alive and breathing.

edit: there is so much more i could and want to say, but some people aren't willing to listen or have that conversation.

Edited by worldofspears
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52 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

Hard to imagine these pictures are 16 years apart:



(speaking of terrible pics)

Anything else?

imagine posting pictures taken by paparazzi of a woman going through a mental health crisis, and years later trying to seek medical attention for, guess what, a medical issue and thinking you're in the right or winning a pointless discussion (on a post that had nothing to do with her to begin with). embarrassing.

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