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We need to talk about Britney being addicted to illicit dr**s

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Posted (edited)

Guys. There are no toxicological tests accusing the use of cocacola or maryjuanita. There is no photo or video.

She took paparazzi to her house and always attended parties and dubious hotels. How did such a lying narrative get so many shots?

It's always family and friends being the source, nothing more. In my country, people have always called her the worst adjectives. I always wondered how his weight, face, teeth were not characteristic of an addicted  person in 2007. I'm sad about a rumor that has become so big!

Edited by Cuber
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because people like cubic zirconia trash have no life and believe every thing the internet shares, or they get their news from reputable sources like tmz or whatever trash click bait facebook is made. most of the people on here seriously have some sort of mental issues and i believe it’s untreated. people should stop focusing on britney’s mental health when theirs is clearly in shambles. also  it’s also just easier to accuse someone of something especially when they choose not to respond. unfortunately britney will always be in the headlines for this stuff, i think she just learned to accept it. but i do agree, if britney was doing anything illegal it would have came out with hd pics or vids. can’t believe some losers believe this trash. like get a ******* life you ******* psycho weirdos 

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5 minutes ago, PlatinumB said:

Addicted to illicit dr**s?! 


I think some assume it more so when her son claimed dr**s were being delivered to the home, and now that she's dating the criminal housekeeper with his dr*g charges.

Who knows if she is or isn't but Andy from Popcorned planet shockingly said it looks like she's on something with the red eyes ect. That surprised me because he's such a stan.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

because people like cubic zirconia trash have no life and believe every thing the internet shares, or they get their news from reputable sources like tmz or whatever trash click bait facebook is made. most of the people on here seriously have some sort of mental issues and i believe it’s untreated. people should stop focusing on britney’s mental health when theirs is clearly in shambles. also  it’s also just easier to accuse someone of something especially when they choose not to respond. unfortunately britney will always be in the headlines for this stuff, i think she just learned to accept it. but i do agree, if britney was doing anything illegal it would have came out with hd pics or vids. can’t believe some losers believe this trash. like get a ******* life you ******* psycho weirdos 

The power of a diamond to make you, flop and cheese, flop fatale, gutter pup and fish and chips and your new leader Abdul.so pressed to make every thread about me.

Diamond GIF

Edited by DiamondCircus
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1 minute ago, DiamondCircus said:

I think some assume it more so when her son claimed dr**s were being delivered to the home, and now that she's dating the criminal housekeeper with his dr*g charges.

Who knows if she is or isn't but Andy from Popcorned planet shockingly said it looks like she's on something with the red eyes ect. That surprised me because he's such a stan.

Well you know what they say when people assume... That was so bizarre that her son would say that. They did all retract what they said... So... make of that what you will. Also we do know she lives in a gated community with huge mansions right? So it's not like they are letting dr*g dealer cars swing inside to drop off dr**s for Britney Spears... Come on now... :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

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15 minutes ago, Gutterguppy said:

Bem, de acordo com Exhale, seus dentes espaçados significam que ela tem um problema de abuso de substâncias, então aí está a sua ‘prova’. 

It's not. It's dental restraint that she didn't use properly 😫

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Just now, PlatinumB said:

Well you know what they say when people assume... That was so bizarre that her son would say that. They did all retract what they said... So... make of that what you will. Also we do know she lives in a gated community with huge mansions right? So it's not like they are letting dr*g dealer cars swing inside to drop off dr**s for Britney Spears... Come on now... :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

I mean Diddy was just raided so who knows what's going in and out of gated communities. Her son saying that is very bizarre and that last report yesterday claimed Britney was being surveilled to make sure she wasn't using dr**s.


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