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Throwback: Wendy talking about Beyonce

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So...most Gen Z were probably too young to remember the case of Beyonce's folding pregnancy belly... well Wendy did her own little experiment. 


How interesting that this topic is coming up again in 2024...

Beyonce fans are saying her song "Daughter" is a confession....

Do yall remember the pregnancy belly debacle? Did yall think it was fake back then, and what do you think now? 

Never forget, MTV had Britney announce Beyonce in her speech at the award ceremony where she revealed her belly. Interesting. 

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10 hours ago, jordeezy river red said:

So...most Gen Z were probably too young to remember the case of Beyonce's folding pregnancy belly... well Wendy did her own little experiment. 


How interesting that this topic is coming up again in 2024...

Beyonce fans are saying her song "Daughter" is a confession....

Do yall remember the pregnancy belly debacle? Did yall think it was fake back then, and what do you think now? 

Never forget, MTV had Britney announce Beyonce in her speech at the award ceremony where she revealed her belly. Interesting. 

Wow there's  hour and a half long footage of Wendy talking about Beyonce??

Man she was obsessed lol

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5 hours ago, Wendy Williams said:

Unfortunately, she cant talk to people still ezgif-com-resize.gif

Where is Wendy now? It's all been hush hush after the documentary?

Maybe they're filming another? I thought it ended on a positive note and with a little bit of hope for her.

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On 5/17/2024 at 9:56 PM, jordeezy river red said:

So...most Gen Z were probably too young to remember the case of Beyonce's folding pregnancy belly... well Wendy did her own little experiment. 


How interesting that this topic is coming up again in 2024...

Beyonce fans are saying her song "Daughter" is a confession....

Do yall remember the pregnancy belly debacle? Did yall think it was fake back then, and what do you think now? 

Never forget, MTV had Britney announce Beyonce in her speech at the award ceremony where she revealed her belly. Interesting. 

was up for watching the vid but 1.38:00min.... guuuuuurlll

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