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Have you ever had an experience where you were in a room with someone and they were thinking the exact same thing you were and you didn’t even have to say anything at all ??? Or even been emotional in a car by yourself but you can sense you’re not alone !!! Most people say that’s your intuition !!! Your inner goddess !!! It’s pretty powerful !!! And it’s one of those topics people can’t explain so it can feel a little tricky sometimes !!! People who have strong-willed lives have a sixth sense in the manner of creating their own lives and destiny !!! It’s contagious to be with people who can enlighten you and bring us to higher grounds !!! I believe it’s important to be around those types of people !!! There’s a sense of safety and knowing in being with such !!! I call them wise souls !!! Believe it or not I think children are more in tune with their sixth sense than we know !!! I mean who are we kidding !!! THOUGHTS 💭 ??? Psss this picture has a lot of meaning to me !!!

📸: Aykut Aydoğdu


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