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Billboard reveals Rihanna setlist they want for Super Bowl performance


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:nonono_britney_nope_head_shake: at all

where's BBHMM?. Leave Jay ZZzzzzz and the paki Eminem  out of this.



for y'all who don't understand castellano/argentinian castellano let me translate this explanation for y'all so you can calm your ***** now:


Is a term used since beginings of the XX Century in Argentina by the Queer-Artistic community. IT HAS ITS ORIGINS IN A GROUP WITH no taxonomic category called "Pachyderm", herviborus mammals with thick hard skin. IE: hypo.

It is used to describe a straight ***ual oriented person (pakis, plural). It's a pejorative term because is a comparison to those animals that are hard skin and slow


IT. HAS. FUC.KING.NOTHING.TO.DO.WITH.PAKISTANIAN.COMMUNITY :liar_red_mad_angry_anger_yell_slap: it is used to describe a str8 conservative and priviligied - usually men.

El diccionario argentino / Definiciones de “paki” escrito por pibes y pibas. encuentra modismos y argentinismos mas comunes



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