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So I have a paper due tomorrow and one of the requirements of the assignment is to have it peer reviewed, which should happen in class. Except, I've had pink-eye like all week lol and obviously couldn't go to class to get it reviewed. I just want to make sure it's grammatically correct and has as least English influence as possible! DM me and I will Venmo you like $10 lol

Tengo que entregar un ensayo de composición narrativa mañana y uno de los requisitios es ser revisado por pares. He tenido conjuntivitis esta semana entera y no podía ir a clase para revisarlo por pares. Deseo asegurar que es gramaticalmente correcto y tiene lo menos influencia anglicana como sea posible. Favor de mandarme un mensaje si quieren ayudarme y pagaré via Venmo $10!!

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