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Thomkat Album Preview: Cordolium

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Aloha friends! 
I recently posted a topic about sharing my music here on Exhale. 
As promised, here is a small album preview linked below. You can preview 7 of the 10 tracks. Keep in mind some of these are rough edits as I’m still mixing and mastering the album and producing the vocals as well. 
Hope you like it! 



@Roxxy @VCTR @Arckangel @Puppy

@UncannyX-Man2099  @Needleney@Blackout2006


Edited by Roxxy
Featured. TEEHEE. 🦄💛💜
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4 minutes ago, Thomkat said:

@Roxxy Omg I love you 

Thank you for listening!! 
Yes I said a cxck full of thoughts 

Y’know... thinking with my dxck and being self-destructive after a break-up. 

You know i'd really like for you to show me how you think with your duck. Will you call me your sweet baby while I explore every inch of you and you taste every inch of me?

I'm a curious cat a.k.a. ferocious feline. :imacat_cat_hiss_meme_white_kitty_mad:

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1 minute ago, Roxxy said:

You know i'd really like for you to show me how you think with your duck. Will you call me your sweet baby while I explore every inch of you and you taste every inch of me?

I'm a curious cat a.k.a. ferocious feline. :imacat_cat_hiss_meme_white_kitty_mad:

Omg dead :gloria_falling_stairs_trip:

Not @roxxy cleverly quoting my lyrics in a comment. I really made it :yasqueen_yes_wow_crying_praise_tears_wipe_sad:

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2 hours ago, Roxxy said:

And I feel so tired these days. Like a song that's been overplayed. And you want me a certain way:yasqueen_yes_wow_crying_praise_tears_wipe_sad:

Yeah that one was painful to write. A lot of these songs were. I went through a really traumatic breakup and it just kind of rattled my entire being. It was brutal. But I learned so much through my grief, and eventually I was able to really sit down and channel that heartache into a collection of songs that sort of document my journey from a place of sorrow and emptiness, to a place of gratitude, appreciation and love. 💜

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30 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

And you melt me with those big eyes. You say things and I believe you. Why shouldn't i? :sobbing_unbelievable_wow_head_shake_no_crying_sobbing_sad:

The lyric continues: 

You say things and I believe you 

Why shouldn’t I
Why shouldn’t I 

But then I saw your shadows 

And I felt what was coming 

Storm clouds were gathering 

I love you

I held you in my arms 

And I gave you my heart 

I kept you in my arms while you tore it apart 


...so that was the turning point :katyclown_makeup_mess_pie_meme_smile:

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1 minute ago, Thomkat said:

Yeah that one was painful to write. A lot of these songs were. I went through a really traumatic breakup and it just kind of rattled my entire being. It was brutal. But I learned so much through my pain and grief, and eventually I was able to really sit down and channel that heartache into a collection of songs that sort of document my journey from a place of deep sorrow and emptiness, to place of gratitude, wholeness and love. 💜

So this is your Butterfly. Love seeing people making the most of their situations and turning the scars on your hand and your heart, into treasure. That's admirable. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

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