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Last Time I Saw Danceney


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Ok.. I don`t even know why am I bothering to make this thread, because of course we can not answer this questions for sure; But I need to get it off my chest... for me this was the last time I saw Danceney...

The fire, the precision, the movement of both up and down part of her body :tifftear:

Don`t missunderstand me.. I certanly appreciate all the effort she has been doing in the last year to give some life to POM performances and get that hot body back.. but it is like she would be tired or boring of dancing... I know all the theories about the knee, the stress after breakdown and everything but this was recorded in mid 2008 (if Im not wrong)... so where she went? is she just sick of performing? :bpout:

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Honestly britney 2017 can do this. See how in the video she still waits a few milisseconds between differente movements/choreo, and she doesnt "bend" so much as it seems if you look closely. 


The very last few seconds for me is when she actually looks more primeney and Im not 100% sure britney 2017 could still do... but probably yes if she is in a really good day.

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6 minutes ago, LWD said:

yeah. it''s like when they took Andre away from her, she stopped caring :crying11:

I wonder if Andre and Wade just gave up after they saw they could not preassure her in the Circus era like in the old days... hahahahaha so sad.. she should at least make a video with great choreography (WB is very close)

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Just now, Barajas said:

I wonder if Andre and Wade just gave up after they saw they could not preassure her in the Circus era like in the old days... hahahahaha so sad.. she should at least make a video with great choreography (WB is very close)

WB sucks imo. 

It's like a zumba lesson, not dancing...

Hope they're gonna hire someone like Jojo Gomez 

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1 minute ago, Barajas said:

I wonder if Andre and Wade just gave up after they saw they could not preassure her in the Circus era like in the old days... hahahahaha so sad.. she should at least make a video with great choreography (WB is very close)

Andre was let go because he tested positive for weed. Wade refused the **** test so he left too.

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3 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

Andre was let go because he tested positive for weed. Wade refused the **** test so he left too.

Such a stupid reason to fire anyone, especially since recreational pot is now legal in California! By that logic, we should start **** testing people for potential usage of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products. (And this is coming from a non-pot smoker; I have no personal stake in its legalization, other than the simple fact that it logically deserves to be). 

Sorry for the relatively off-topic rant. :outwithit:

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22 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

Andre was let go because he tested positive for weed. Wade refused the **** test so he left too.

yeah.. I remember that.. but even with them in the team, the performances of the Womanizer Promo Tour were... hmm mostly what we have now... hairflips, arms and many explosions :( 

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47 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Such a stupid reason to fire anyone, especially since recreational pot is now legal in California! By that logic, we should start **** testing people for potential usage of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products. (And this is coming from a non-pot smoker; I have no personal stake in its legalization, other than the simple fact that it logically deserves to be). 

Sorry for the relatively off-topic rant. :outwithit:

The test was just the straw that broke the camel’s back for Wade. He found Jamie and the team far too controlling.

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1 hour ago, BoyToySoldier said:

The test was just the straw that broke the camel’s back for Wade. He found Jamie and the team far too controlling.

Huh, interesting. Not surprising in the slightest, but interesting nonetheless. :mhm:  

It's such a shame, Wade knew how Britney's body moved and created amazing choreography to complement it accordingly. It's clear he was extremely involved and hands-on with everything pertaining to her dancing, since you can see him actively working with her and helping her perfect even the slightest of movements on all the behind-the-scenes and "making of" videos for Slave, DWAD, Pepsi commercial, etc. 

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3 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Huh, interesting. Not surprising in the slightest, but interesting nonetheless. :mhm:  

It's such a shame, Wade knew how Britney's body moved and created amazing choreography to complement it accordingly. It's clear he was extremely involved and hands-on with everything pertaining to her dancing, since you can see him actively working with her and helping her perfect even the slightest of movements on all the behind-the-scenes and "making of" videos for Slave, DWAD, Pepsi commercial, etc. 

Exactly. He was used to having all the control to mold Britney into what worked. He couldn’t do that after the meltdown because everything was so careful and everyone had to walk on eggshells and he couldn’t be the boss anymore.

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